Чит-коди SNES для ігор на онлайн емуляторі Super Nintendo (SNES): Розкриття секретів
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) займає особливе місце в історії ігор, і багатьом гравцям досі подобається класичні ігри, які вона пропонує. З появою онлайн-емуляторів гравці можуть знову пережити досвід SNES на своїх комп’ютерах або мобільних пристроях. У цій статті ми заглибимося в сферу чіт-кодів SNES, досліджуючи привабливість цих прихованих секретів, їхній вплив на ігровий процес і те, як їх можна використовувати в онлайн-емуляторі Super Nintendo.
Привабливість чит-кодів
Чіт-коди вже давно захоплюють геймерів, пропонуючи захоплюючу альтернативу традиційному геймплею. Чіт-коди SNES не є винятком, оскільки вони розблоковують приховані функції, надають бонуси або дозволяють змінювати гру. Від непереможності та нескінченних життів до секретних рівнів і покращень персонажів, чіт-коди додають до ігор SNES додатковий рівень розваг та досліджень.
Вплив на ігровий процес
Чіт-коди SNES можуть значно вплинути на процес гри. Вони можуть надавати ярлики, дозволяючи гравцям обходити складні рівні або босів, які інакше можуть перешкоджати прогресу. Чит-коди також можуть збільшити задоволення від гри, пропонуючи перебільшені здібності або химерні зміни, дозволяючи гравцям експериментувати та відкривати нові можливості в ігровому світі.
Пошук чит-кодів
Відкриття чіт-кодів для ігор SNES може бути справжньою пригодою. Колись геймери покладалися на ігрові журнали, сарафанне радіо або спеціальні книги з чіт-кодами. Однак із появою Інтернету з’явилися численні веб-сайти, форуми та онлайн-спільноти, які пропонують повні бази даних чіт-кодів SNES. Ці ресурси полегшують гравцям доступ до чіт-кодів і експериментування з ними.
Використання чит-кодів у онлайн-емуляторі Super Nintendo
Онлайн-емулятор Super Nintendo дозволяє гравцям знову пережити досвід SNES на своїх пристроях. Хоча чіт-коди спочатку призначалися для використання на фізичній консолі, деякі емулятори також надають опції для введення чіт-кодів.
Отримавши доступ до меню емулятора або скориставшись спеціальними плагінами чит-кодів, гравці можуть відтворити ностальгічний досвід використання чит-кодів у SNES.
CC62-DF6B Start with 86 lives in Action Mode EC85-6D68 Start with 250 Spell Points in RPG Mode DD68-6D6D Endless Life DD67-D7AD Open Professional Mode C9BD-6467 Infinite MP CEA5-6DA3 Infinite Spell Points 69C4-AF6C+62C4-A7DC+CBC4-A46C+DFC4-A4AC Have Fireball magic and 24 MP in Professional Mode 69C4-AF6C+62C4-A7DC+CBC4-A46C+D4C4-A4AC Have Star Rain magic and 24 MP in Professional Mode 69C4-AF6C+62C4-A7DC+CBC4-A46C+D7C4-A4AC Have magic Energy Balls and 24 MP in Professional Mode 69C4-AF6C+62C4-A7DC+CBC4-A46C+D0C4-A4AC Have Light magic and 24 MP in Professional Mode 2264-6FD4 Invulnerable in Action Mode D081-6DD8 Half Power Start DD8B-D4D8 Stop Timer FD86-D4A8 Fast Timer 9D86-D4A8 Slow Timer EE81-6DD8 Hero Death by One Hit FF81-6DD8 High Energy Start F781-6DD8 Endless Energy
F064-1DD0 Start with 20 lives C221-4FA5 Endless Lives DCB8-3F07 Start with 9 Continues C283-37DD Infinite Continues D464-14A0 Start with 2 Health Author: Galoob D964-14A0 Start with 5 Health D564-14A0 Start with 7 Health C267-4D0A Almost Invulnerable FA80-44AE Gems give 2 instead of 1 F1A6-C70D+F126-440D Super Jump FB80-44AE Gems give 3 instead of 1 C281-4F0E Rubies give 2 instead of 1 FD86-4F6E Only 10 gems are needed for Health replenishment/life gain 4D67-1F60 Start with 20 apples (do not use a password with this code) 3CA9-C4A5 Endless apples 4D8B-4DD3 Apple Power-Ups gives you 20 apples instead of 10 9D8B-4DD3 Apple Power-Ups gives you 50 apples instead of 10 BD8B-4DD3 Apple Power-Ups gives 90 apples instead of 10 DDB5-3467+DBA-3FA7Level selection on main menu (Press R+Up/Down) DDA7-4DD5 Bonus after each level
Alien 3
EE26-37D4 Fuel for Flamethrower runs out slower 7D26-37D4 Fuel for Flamethrower expires faster FD36-44D1 Heavy Rifle Starter FD3B-4F01 Start with more grenades 3C28-44D4 Infinite number of charges for rifle 3C22-3D64 Grenade Launcher Infinite Charge 3C25-3704 Infinite amount of fuel for flamethrower D464-1D60 Take less damage DD6D-1700 Maximal energy from medkits EE6B-CD00 Long blink after taking damage DD64-1D60 Most attacks do no damage 6D64-1D60 Infinite Energy (All levels) CD2A-44A4 More ammo in a rifle clip F023-3D64 More grenades in a grenade launcher clip
8285-AF07+82AA-676D Do not lose a weapon when hit by an enemy D666-D7A7 Start with 6 credits D866-D7A7 Start with 9 Credits C2C5-DDDF Infinite Credits D521-AD04 Start with 7 lives DB21-AD04 Start with 9 lives DE21-AD04 Start with 15 lives FB21-AD04 Start with 25 lives 7421-AD04 Start with 50 lives 0821-AD04 Start with 75 lives 1721-AD04 Start with 99 lives C2AE-DF6D+C28F-04D7 Endless Levels CBB7-AFA7+DFB7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 Level 2 Start CBB7-AFA7+D4B7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 Level 3 Start CBB7-AFA7+D7B7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 Level 4 Starts CBB7-AFA7+D0B7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 Level 5 Start CBB7-AFA7+D9B7-A4D7+DDB7-A407 Level 6 Start
89C6-1FD4 Endless Items (Turn code on after after you retrieve an item, then turn it off. And so on for each item)
Breath of Fire
D9BF-CD69 Create a new character that starts at level 5 BBBF-CFD9 Create a new character that starts with 153 max H.P. BBBF-CF69 Create a new character that starts with 153 H.P. F0BF-C4D9 Create a new character that starts with 20 max A.P. F0BF-C469 Create a new character that starts with 20 A.P. F1B4-CD09 Create a new character that starts with INT. at 22 F1B4-CD69 Create a new character that starts with Agility at 22 46B4-CFD9 Create a new character that starts with Fate at 40 74BF-C7A9 Create a new character that starts with strength at 50 74B4-CDD9 Create a new character that starts with Vigor at 50
Breath of Fire II
46DA-87D4 Main character is different 45DA-87D4 Main character is different FDDA-87D4 Main character is different F4DA-87D4 Main character is different F0DA-87D4 Main character is different 74DA-8F64 Start with 50 HP 10DA-8F64 Start with 100 HP B1DA-8F64 Start with 150 HP ECDA-8F64 Start with 250 HP DFDA-8FA4 + E0DA-8F64 Start with 500 HP D4DA-8FA4 + 33DA-8F64 Start with 750 HP FEDA-8FA4 Start with a lot of HP 74DA-8464 Start with 50 AP 10DA-8464 Start with 100 AP B1DA-8464 Start with 150 AP ECDA-8464 Start with 250 AP DFDA-84A4 + E0DA-8464 Start with 500 AP D4DA-84A4 + 33DA-8464 Start with 750 AP FEDA-84A4 Start with a lot of AP DDDA-8704 Start with 0 strength EEDA-8704 Start with MEGA strength DDDA-8764 Start with 0 stamina EEDA-8764 Start with MEGA stamina DDDA-87A4 Start with 0 agility EEDA-87A4 Start with MEGA agility DDD3-84D4 Start with 0 wisdom EED3-84D4 Start with MEGA wisdom DDD3-8404 Start with 0 luck EED3-8404 Start with MEGA luck EED3-87D4 Start with MEGA experience points C9FA-EFA6 Infinite HP in battle scenes
338B-0DA4 Shot guide is always on (for a new 1 Player game). 338D-07A4 Shot guide is always on (for a password game). 333E-D721 Shot guide is always on (for "Challenge Record" mode). 3C38-A764 Infinite time to shoot each ball. C281-DFE2 Бесконечные continues. 3C83-D467 Always get max bonus at the end of each round.
Chrono Trigger
EEDD-7F5D Start with a higher max. HP 63DD-745D Start with a higher max. MP BDDD-74ED Start with max. power BDDD-777D Start with max. stamina BDDD-775D Start with max. speed BDDD-778D Start with max. magic BDDD-77ED Start with max. hit ratio BDDF-7D7D Start with max. evade BDDF-7D5D Start with max. magic defense
Contra 3: The Alien Wars
22BB-AD01 Infinite lives-- side-view levels 2264-D760 Infinite bombs-- side-view levels 22B8-0766 Infinite bombs-- top-view levels 22BB-6F0B + 6DBB-64DB Infinite lives-- top-view levels D9BB-AFA1 + D9CE-6D0D Start with 5 bombs on each life-- side-view levels DBBB-AFA1 + DBCE-6D0D Start with 9 bombs on each life-- side-view levels D963-6708 + D9CE-6D0F Start with 5 bombs on each life-- top-view levels DB63-6708 + DBCE-6D0F Start with 9 bombs on each life-- top-view levels
Demon's Crest
DB67-C703 First enemy takes longer to kill D467-C703 First enemy take less time to kill EE3A-1DAF More flash time C92A-44A7 Invincible after hit 6927-CDA7 1 hit and you die
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
There are two versions of some of these codes. If the first code doesn't work, try the other code E6EE-A7D7 + 6DAF-12EB + 6D8D-C33E/ E6EE-A7D7 + 6DA4-1A8B + 6D8F-C33E Master code-Must be entered C2A1-CE5B/C2A5-C37B Infinite lives D465-3D67/D46C-3D07 Start with 3 lives DB65-3D67/DB6C-3D07 Start with 10 lives F665-3D67/F66C-3D07 Start with 25 lives 7F65-3D67/7F6C-3D07 Start with 50 lives 1765-3D67/176C-3D07 Start with 99 lives D4A1-437C/D4A5-4AEC Getting 100 bananas gives you 2 extra lives D9A1-437C/D9A5-4AEC Getting 100 bananas gives you 5 extra lives EEC2-1A1D/EECC-CA4D When your last Kong is hit, the other one returns. DD6C-C7D4/DD62-C4A4 Pressing Select while paused exits any level, not just completed ones 626D-4EBD Start with more Kong Family Coins C2B9-13B7/C2B1-13F7 Kong Family Coins don't get used up 626D-432D Start a new game with more Kremcoins C2B9-1297/C2B1-1A27 Kremcoins don't get used up EDD0-735A Mega-jump for Diddy E7D0-735A Super-jump for Diddy E1D0-735A Diddy jumps higher EBD0-735A Diddy doesn't jump as high ECD0-735A Diddy jumps much lower EDD7-5AEA Mega-jump for Dixie E7D7-5AEA Super-jump for Dixie E5D7-5AEA Dixie jumps higher EBD7-5AEA Dixie doesn't jump as high ECD7-5AEA Dixie jumps much lower EFDD-535A Mega-jump for Rambi with Diddy riding E7DD-535A Super-jump for Rambi with Diddy riding E5DD-535A Rambi jumps higher with Diddy riding ECDD-535A Rambi doesn't jump as high with Diddy riding
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
8023-EACA + C261-83B7 Don't get charged any silver (bear) coins in shops (you still have to have enough to cover the purchase price). C26E-73CD. Endless Life. DD8A-8E3A When you collect 100 bananas and get a life, you have 99 bananas left over. In other words, you get each subsequent life for 1 banana. 0B8A-8E3A When you collect 100 bananas and get a life, you have 50 bananas left over.
Donkey Kong Country
There are two versions of this game. If the first code doesn't work, try the other code C2C9-4E2C / C2C1-4A9C Infinite lives D568-C34D / D568-C33D Start with 8 lives DC68-C34D / DC68-C33D Start with 11 lives DE68-C34D / DE68-C33D Start with 16 lives FB68-C34D / FB68-C33D Start with 26 lives 7468-C34D / 7468-C33D Start with 51 lives 0868-C34D / 0868-C33D Start with 76 lives 1768-C34D / 1768-C33D Start with 100 lives EE65-C37E / EE66-C27E When your last Kong is hit, the other one returns--must have had both Kongs at some point in the level for code to work--reset if you get stuck 1DCC-CA7A / 1DCA-C2EA Almost invincible--Switch off if you get stuck DBC1-3D6D + DCC1-34AD / DBC9-340D + DCC1-3D6D 10 bananas needed for an extra life F6C1-3D6D + FBC1-34AD / F6C9-340D + FBC1-3D6D 25 bananas needed for an extra life 7FC1-3D6D + 74C1-34AD / 7FC9-340D + 74C1-3D6D 50 bananas needed for an extra life 0CC1-3D6D + 08C1-34AD / 0CC9-340D + 08C1-3D6D 75 bananas needed for an extra life 1D6B-3FDD + 196A-333D / 1D6B-3D6D + 166A-3ECD Keep animals between stages (keeping fish on a non-water stage or others on a water stage will cause problems) A081-1273 / A086-13E3 High jump for Donkey Kong 2D81-1273 / 2D86-13E3 Super jump for Donkey Kong 3D81-1273 / 3D86-13E3 Mega-jump for Donkey Kong 8081-1E73 / 808B-1AE3 High jump for Diddy Kong AD81-1E73 / AD8B-1AE3 Super jump for Diddy Kong 2D81-1E73 / 2D8B-1AE3 Mega-jump for Diddy Kong A08F-C273 / A087-C3E3 High jump for all animals 2D8F-C273 / 2D87-C3E3 Super jump for all animals 3D8F-C273 / 3087-C3E3 Mega-jump for all animals D76B-337E / D76C-327E Get both Kongs back on the map screen after dying (doesn't work when you fall off screen) DD8B-C28A / DD88-CE5A In the 2-player team mode, the inactive player can get control at any time by pressing A or Select on their controller DDB9-3DD4 / DDB0-34A4 Pressing Start and then Select will exit any level, not just completed levels
Doomsday Warrior
82C7-046F Infinite health--matches last forever CBB2-ADDD + D0B2-AD0D + 6DB2-A46D Always get 4 bonus points for improving abilities D9B9-64DD On normal level, start with all stats at 2 bars instead of 0 DDB0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against Sledge DFB0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against Layban D4B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against Amon D7B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against Daisy D0B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against P-Lump D9B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against Grimrock D1B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against Nuform D5B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 7 fights are against Shadow D6B0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against Ashura DBB0-ADAD + 6DB0-AFDD + E9B0-AF0D 1st 6 fights are against Main DDB7-AFAD All fights are in order (you don't choose your opponent) DD83-D4AF You can heal completely, not just to the top of each segment 3C8E-DDAF Don't heal at all
DB23-77D1 Start with a level 9 character DE23-77D1 Start with a level 15 character 7423-77D1 Start with a level 50 character 1723-77D1 Start with a level 100 character EE23-77D1 Start with a level 255 character EE2E-7D01 Start with a super strong character BB2D-5461 Start with a lot of H.P. BB2F-54A1 Start with a lot of PSI
Earthworm Jim
2235-EFAF Infinite ammo A23F-7464 Infinite energy A26A-87A7 Infinite lives 7D33-8FDF Start with 1 life 7033-8FDF Start with 5 lives On the next three codes, ignore the lives counter 7B33-8FDF Start with 10 lives 0633-8FDF Start with 25 lives 1F33-8FDF Start with 50 lives 7D37-7F64 1 hit and you die 7737-7F64 Start with 300% suit energy 7937-7F64 Start with 500% suit energy 7B37-7F64 Start with 900% suit energy
Earthworm Jim 2
7D55-5F06 Start with 1 life and no continues 7055-5F06 Start with 5 lives 7155-5F06 Start with 7 lives 7655-5F06 Start with 9 lives CBF0-7464 Infinite lives 749E-54B4 Start with 2000 bullets 779E-54B4 Start with 3000 bullets 709E-54B4 Start with 4000 bullets 799E-54B4 Start with 5000 bullets 759E-54B4 Start with 7000 bullets 7B9E-54B4 Start with 9000 bullets D798-74F7 + 3B98-7F27 Get 1000 bullets on pickup D598-74F7 + 3D98-7F27 Get 2000 bullets on pickup 7450-770B Start with 200% energy 7750-770B Start with 300% energy 7050-770B Start with 400% energy 7950-770B Start with 500% energy 7550-770B Start with 700% energy 7B50-770B Start with 900% energy CB57-7D0B Infinite energy
EVO: Search for Eden
C96E-07FB Protection from most hazards DD60-D18B Food replenishes hit points to full D566-A7F8 Less damage from stronger creatures C964-A726 Horn never breaks
Fatal Fury 2
DD7E 7FDD Infinite time D47E 7FDD Timer is 2x fast D77E 7FDD Timer is 3x fast C250 7FA7 Computer can't win a round--except last round--game ends after 4 rounds CB85 E40F + D685 E46F + DD85 E4AF Player 1 is Billy Kane DB85 E46F + CB85 E40F + DD85 E4AF Player 1 is Axel Hawk CB85 E40F +DD85-E4AF + DC85-E46F Player 1 is Lawrence B D885 E46F + CB85 E40F + DD85 E4AF Player 1 is Wolfgang Krauser CB82 E40F + D682 E46F + DD82 E4AF Player 2 is Billy Kane DB82 E46F + CB82-E40F + DD82-E4AF Player 2 is Axel Hawk DC82 E46F + CB82-E40F + DD82-E4AF Player 2 is Lawrence B D882 E46F + CB82 E40F + DD82 E4AF Player 2 is Wolfgang Krauser FDD5-EFCB Super jump--player 1, straight-up jumps only EED5-EFCB Bogus jump--player 1, straight-up jumps only 6D7D-54AD Infinite energy--player 1 For the last code, Turn effects off after you press Start in the codescreen and keep off until Character Select screen 7D78-770D Start with 1/2 energy
Final Fantasy IV
D15C-78E5 Start Terra with Man-eater equipped F65C-78E5 Start Terra with Excalibur equipped FC5C-78E5 Start Terra with Illumina equipped FA5C-78E5 Start Terra with Atma equipped 435C-78E5 Start Terra with Tempest equipped D35C-78E5 Start Terra with Blizzard equipped F75C-78E5 Start Terra with Enhancer equipped 9A58-7675 Start Terra with Mithril shield equipped 9258-7675 Start Terra with Gold shield equipped 1F58-7675 Start Terra with Ice shield equipped 1D58-7675 Start Terra with Fire shield equipped 1C58-7655 Start Terra with Hairband equipped 1B58-7655 Start Terra with Leather hat equipped 5C58-7655 Start Terra with Circlet equipped 5B58-7655 Start Terra with Mystery veil equipped 5658-7655 Start Terra with Red cap equipped 6658-7685 Start Terra with Silk robe equipped 6B58-7685 Start Terra with Mithril vest equipped 6858-7685 Start Terra with White dress equipped BC58-7685 Start Terra with Genji armor equipped B058-7685 Start Terra with Force armor equipped 108C-EF03 + 108C-E4A3 All items in shops are free--Switch off to sell items for gold DDA4-8767 Party always has sprint shoes ED30-E944 'Tonic' gives 240 HP 3CB8-5DAE Most items can be used infinitely--Not in battle mode--Switch off to exit menu screen
Final Fantasy VI
69DD-75DD Get about 99 GP and 99 experience points from Goblins after battle. ECDD-75DD Get about 187 GP and 187 experience points from Goblins after battle. 54DD-750D Get about 21,895 GP and 21,895 experience points from Goblins after battle. Sometimes, you won't get the GP that you're supposed to get. EEDD-750D Get about 65,290 GP and 65,290 experience points from Goblins after battle. Sometimes, you won't get the GP you're supposed to get. 745D-70A0 Butz (1st character) starts a new game at level 3. His HP will increase to 55, and his MP will increase to 14. Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. EC5D-70A0 Butz (1st character) starts a new game at level 6. His HP will increase to 110, and his MP will increase to 30. Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. 4D5D-79D0 Butz (1st character) starts a new game at level 16. His HP will increase to 405, and his MP will increase to 83! Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. 7459-70A0 Lenna (2nd character) starts a new game at level 3. Her HP and MP will also increase. Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. EC59-70A0 Lenna (2nd character) starts a new game at level 6. Her HP will increase to 106, and her MP will increase to 31. Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. 4D59-79D0 Lenna (2nd character) starts a new game at level 16. Her HP will increase to 391, and her MP will increase to 88! Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. 745C-70A0 Galuf (3rd character) starts a new game at level 3. His HP and MP will also increase. Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. EC5C-70A0 Galuf (3rd character) starts a new game at level 6. His HP and MP will also increase. Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. 4D5C-79D0 Galuf (3rd character) starts a new game at level 16. His HP will increase to 412, and his MP will increase to 82! Code won't take effect until AFTER the first battle. EE49-51A5 Allows you to buy the Warhammr Axe, Poison Axe, Earth Axe, Great Sword, Slumber Sword, or Defender Sword at the Magic Shop in the village of Tule.
Final Fight
A9C3-6F66 + D433-0D6F Infinite lives 29A1-0DA1 + DDCF-A4AC Infinite energy, except against special weapons (e.g., knife) and special attacks by bad guys (e.g., Andore's headlock and jump attack) A2C0-A7D0 Stop timer D4C9-AFD0 Slower timer DDC9-AFD0 Faster timer DD8D-6F06 Any food restores all energy DFC8-D4A1 Start with 2 credits D9C8-D4A1 Start with 6 credits DBC8-D4A1 Start with 10 credits
A96E-A4A4 Infinite spare machines DF6C-0F0A Start with 1 spare machine D96C-0F0A Start with 5 spare machines DB6C-0F0A Start with 9 spare machines D484-D404 Infinite turbos CB3C-0FA4 + DF3C-04D4 Always rank #1--except if you blow up
Gradius 3
DD8B-6DA4 Start with 1 life instead of 3 DF8B-6DA4 Start with 2 lives D78B-6DA4 Start with 4 lives D08B-6DA4 Start with 5 lives D68B-6DA4 Start with 9 lives DE8B-6DA4 Start with 16 lives F38B-6DA4 Start with 31 lives 3C8E-DDD7 + 3C8E-DD07 Infinite lives DFC3-DF0D Start with 1 credit instead of 4--use for 1-player game only D4C3-DF0D Start with 2 credits D1C3-DF0D Start with 6 credits D5C3-DF0D Start with 7 credits D6C3-DF0D Start with 8 credits DBC3-DF0D Start with 9 credits C227-6DDD Infinite credits DFBB-A766 Makes Earwig Scorpion (Stage 1 mayor) much easier to defeat DFB1-6F6C Makes Bubble Brain (Stage 2 mayor) easier to defeat 3C29-0704 + 3C29-0764 Weapons status gauge remains at current level after a weapon is selected CBAF-D7AD + DFA4-DDDD Enemies shoot at you more
Illusion of Gaia
C2A5-44A2 Infinite energy D98F-4F0C Less charge time for psycho dash D98B-4DDC Less charge time for dark friar F061-44DD Start with a lot more energy F065-4D0D Start with 20 strength points 7465-4D0D Start with 50 strength points 9D65-4D0D Start with 80 strength points D9AA-1F0B + E8A5-14AB Super run-left/right only EAA7-1D6B + D0A3-446B Super run-up/down only FD6B-47A3 Get 2x the energy from herbs F66B-47A3 Get 3x the energy from herbs
International Superstar Soccer
FC2A-0F65 + 3C2A-0FA5 Each goal worth 2--player 1 FC2A-0F65 + FC2A-0FA5 Each goal worth 3--player 1 1B2A-0F65 + D72A-0FA5 Each goal worth 4--player 1 1B2A-0F65 + D02A-0FA5 Each goal worth 5--player 1 1B2A-0F65 + D92A-0FA5 Each goal worth 6--player 1 1B2A-0F65 + D12A-0FA5 Each goal worth 7--player 1 1B2A-0F65 + D52A-0FA5 Each goal worth 8--player 1 1B2A-0F65 + D62A-0FA5 Each goal worth 9--player 1 FC22-0465 + 3C22-04A5 Each goal worth 2--player 2 FC22-0465 + FC22-04A5 Each goal worth 3--player 2 1B22-0465 + D722-04A5 Each goal worth 4--player 2 1B22-0465 + D022-04A5 Each goal worth 5--player 2 1B22-0465 + D922-04A5 Each goal worth 6--player 2 1B22-0465 + D122-04A5 Each goal worth 7--player 2 1B22-0465 + D522-04A5 Each goal worth 8--player 2 1B22-0465 + D622-04A5 Each goal worth 9--player 2 DDA6-0DD1 Timer continues to count when it is normally stopped (pause can still stop time)
Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics
DD36-D40D Infinite lives 2BBA-64D7 Infinite energy DDE0-0F6F All food fully restores energy CBC8-6404 + DFC8-6464 Start with 2 lives CBC8-6404 + D9C8-6464 Start with 6 lives CBC8-6404 + DBC8-6464 Start with 10 lives
Jungle Strike
C2A5-476F Infinite ammo CEBE-C4D4 Infinite lives 7485-C7D1 Start with less fuel 7485-C7D1 Start with more fuel 7485-C701 Start with mega fuel DD86-C761 Start with 0 hellfires B186-C761 Start with more hellfires B186-C7A1 Start with mega hellfires DD8B-C4A1 Start with less gun ammo F18B-C4A1 Start with more gun ammo 748B-C4A1 Start with mega gun ammo FB8B-CFD1 Start with less hydras EE8B-CFD1 Start with more hydras 748B-CF01 Start with mega hydras
Ken Griffey, Jr.'s Winning Run
DFC3 170F 1 ball and you walk D4C3 170F 2 balls and you walk CBB3 1D2D Can't walk a player DFCE 1F0F 1 strike and you're out D4CE 1F0F 2 strikes and you're out C2BE 179D Can't strike out DF27 CFA4 Invisible baserunners D4C3 170F 2 outs and whole team is out C2A2 4D94 + C2AA 47B4 No outs except strike outs C28A-3FA7 + CBB0-4797 + C283-34D7 Computer can't score
Killer Instinct
3C61-D4DF Master code--Must be entered CBEC-37AF + 6DE8-3D0F + 6D64-44D5 Play as Eyedol CB64-4D61 Start a game and watch the ending (use practice mode to select different characters) CCE8-47D2 Win after 1 victory C8E8-47D2 Win after 2 victories CAE8-47D2 Win after 3 victories C2E8-47D2 Win after 4 victories C3E8-47D2 Win after 5 victories EEC1-34AF Player one takes all damage 1D1B-1DA7 Players can pass through each other C265-1467 + 60E6-47D2 Always fight Jago C265-1467 + 6EE6-47D2 Always fight Combo C265-1467 + 6BE6-47D2 Always fight Thunder C265-1467 + 6FE6-47D2 Always fight Glacius C265-1467 + 6DE6-47D2 Always fight Cinder C265-1467 + 64E6-47D2 Always fight Orchid C265-1467 + BOE6-47D2 Always fight Riptor C265-1467 + CBE6-4702 Always fight Sabrewulf C265-1467 + CBEC-4702 Always fight Spinal C265-1467 + CBE8-4D62 Always fight Fulgore C265-1467 + CBE8-4FA2 Always fight Eyedol
Kirby Super Star
DD65-67DF + 6D65-670F + D965-676F Start with section 1 finished DF65-67DF + 6D65-670F + D965-676F Start with section 2 finished D465-67DF + 6D65-670F + D965-676F Start with section 3 finished D765-67DF + 6D65-670F + D965-676F Start with section 4 finished D065-67DF + 6D65-670F + D965-676F Start with access to all sections DF6C-D704 Start with 1 life instead of 3 D46C-D704 Start with 2 lives D96C-D704 Start with 5 lives D56C-D704 Start with 7 lives DB6C-D704 Start with 9 lives C265-0FA7 Infinite lives DD6B-D764 Start with 0 custard pies D46B-D764 Start with 2 custard pies D96B-D764 Start with 5 custard pies D46B-D764 + DF6C-DDA4 Start with 2 superballs instead of 10 custard pies D96B-D764 + DF6C-DDA4 Start with 5 superballs DF6C-DDA4 Start with 10 superballs D43D-67D7 Custard pie bonus worth 2 pies instead of 10 D93D-67D7 Custard pie bonus worth 5 pies Using the next two codes together will freeze the game on pick-up of superball or pie. Switch off effects to unfreeze D03D-6767 Custard pie bonus same as superball bonus 6D3F-6DA7 + E03F-6FD7 Superball bonus same as custard pie bonus D43F-6F67 Superball bonus worth 2 balls instead of 5 DC3F-6F67 Superball bonus worth 10 balls C1E1-D7DD Infinite custard pies C1E2-D76D Infinite superballs D53E-0407 Food bonuses restore less strength F33E-0407 Food bonuses restore more strength 173E-0407 Food bonuses restore Krusty to full strength D03D-6FD7 Food bonuses also get custard pie bonus D33D-6FD7 Food bonuses also get superball bonus 3134-6D67 + 6D34-6D07 Doll bonus same as custard pie bonus ED34-6D67 + 6D34-6D07 Doll bonus same as superball bonus 2F34-6D67 + 6D34-6D07 Doll bonus same as food bonus 8725-0D64 Krusty invincibility FD3C-D704 Krusty jumps higher D63C-D704 Krusty jumps much higher
Kirby's Adventure
80A8-C4CD Boulder warnings don't appear CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + DD69-CD17 Only red blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + DF69-CD17 Only yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + D769-CD17 Only green blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + D069-CD17 Only purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + D969-CD17 Only blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + DF69-CD17 Only red and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + D769-CD17 Only red and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + D069-CD17 Only red and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + D969-CD17 Only red and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + DD69-CD47 + D169-CD17 Only red blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + DD69-CD17 Only yellow and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + D769-CD17 Only yellow and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + D069-CD17 Only yellow and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + D969-CD17 Only yellow and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + DF69-CD47 + D169-CD17 Only yellow blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + DF69-CD17 Only green and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + DD69-CD17 Only green and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + D069-CD17 Only green and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + D969-CD17 Only green and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + D769-CD47 + D169-CD17 Only green blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + DF69-CD17 Only purple and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + D769-CD17 Only purple and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + DD69-CD17 Only purple and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + D969-CD17 Only purple and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + D069-CD47 + D169-CD17 Only purple blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + DF69-CD17 Only blue and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + D769-CD17 Only blue and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + D069-CD17 Only blue and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + DD69-CD17 Only blue and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + D969-CD47 + D169-CD17 Only blue blobs with a boulder fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + DF69-CD17 Only a boulder and yellow blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + D769-CD17 Only a boulder and green blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + D069-CD17 Only a boulder and purple blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + D969-CD17 Only a boulder and blue blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + DD69-CD17 Only a boulder and red blobs fall CB60-C737 + D169-CD47 + D169-CD17 Only boulders fall CBB7-4D4D + 3CB7-4DCD + CBB7-4F1D + 3CB7-4F3D Disable the "next" box
Kirby's Dream Course
D0A9-4F6D Start with 5 lives D1A9-4F6D Start with 7 lives D6A9-4F6D Start with 9 lives DFAD-1F0D Start with 1 strawberry D4AD-1F0D Start with 2 strawberries D7AD-1F0D Start with 3 strawberries 82CF-4D6E Infinite strawberries 82CD-4D0E Don't ever gain any straberries 82E2-4DD4 Don't lose a life from falling out of bounds
Kirby's Dream Land 2
D0A9-4F6D Start with 5 lives D1A9-4F6D Start with 7 lives D6A9-4F6D Start with 9 lives DFAD-1F0D Start with 1 strawberry D4AD-1F0D Start with 2 strawberries D7AD-1F0D Start with 3 strawberries 82CF-4D6E Infinite strawberries 82CD-4D0E Don't ever gain any straberries 82E2-4DD4 Don't lose a life from falling out of bounds
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
3CA6-A764 Infinite lives--top-view stages D927-A464 Start with 6 lives D627-A464 Start with 9 lives DDCF-0429 Die if you get hit once 9DAF-DD6E Pick up more coins from bad guys DDED-D4D4 No coins used up when thrown 89CF-0729 Infinite energy 40C0-04F9 Don't lose most weapons when hit F0BE-AF20 Faster timer 1DBE-AF20 Slower timer
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
4DB4-D401 Move around caves and world map quicker (except when leaving a vehicle--for example, the boat) 8236-0F34 Infinite hit points 823A-0FC4 Infinite magic points in battle mode DDB8-6FD9 No HP lost when walking over swamp ground D0B8-6FD9 More HP lost when walking over swamp ground DF30-A718 Cheap bombs--1 gold each DF3C-0D18 Cheap smokeballs--1 gold each 6D8F-0DC4 Immune to all petrifying effects (stone, poison, confused, etc.) 95A8-67A4 Shopkeepers don't charge for purchases--some shops only FD34-0448 More agility points from speed potion FD30-0438 More intelligence points from mind potion FD31-07C8 More strength points from great potion FD3D-0F18 Higher max level of magic points from spell potion FD33-DDC8 Higher max level of hit points from power potion
Madden NFL '94
DDAA-5D0F Touchdowns worth 0 points D7AA-5D0F Touchdowns worth 3 points D9AA-5D0F Touchdowns worth 5 points DBAA-5D0F Touchdowns worth 9 points DDAE-ED0F Extra points worth 0 points D7AE-ED0F Extra points worth 3 points D9AE-ED0F Extra points worth 5 points D5AE-ED0F Extra points worth 7 points DDAB-8DAD Safeties worth 0 points D7AB-8DAD Safeties worth 3 points D9AB-8DAD Safeties worth 5 points D5AB-8DAD Safeties worth 7 points DDAE-E76F Field goals worth 0 points D4AE-E76F Field goals worth 2 points D9AE-E76F Field goals worth 5 points D5AE-E76F Field goals worth 7 points DBAE-E76F Field goals worth 9 points D93F-7D0F + DE3F-7D6F Visitors start with a 5-point lead D53F-7D0F + DE3F-7D6F Visitors start with a 7-point lead DC3F-7D0F + DE3F-7D6F Visitors start with a 10-point lead D33F-7D0F + DE3F-7D6F Visitors start with a 14-point lead 473F-7D0F + DE3F-7D6F Visitors start with a 35-point lead D73F-7D0F + DE3F-7F6F Home team starts with a 3-point lead D53F-7D0F + DE3F-7F6F Home team starts with a 7-point lead DC3F-7D0F + DE3F-7F6F Home team starts with a 10-point lead D33F-7D0F + DE3F-7F6F Home team starts with a 14-point lead 473F-7D0F + DE3F-7F6F Home team starts with a 35-point lead CBA2-8F6D + DFA2-8FAD TD, FG, PAT, S worth 1 point--home team CBA2-8F6D + D7A2-8FAD TD, FG, PAT, S worth 3 points--home team CBA2-8F6D + D9A2-8FAD TD, FG, PAT, S worth 5 points--home team CBA2-8F6D + D5A2-8FAD TD, FG, PAT, S worth 7 points--home team CBA2-8F6D + D3A2-8FAD TD, FG, PAT, S worth 14 points--home team CBA2-8F6D + F9A2-8FAD TD, FG, PAT, S worth 21 points--home team CBA2-8F6D + 47A2-8FAD TD, FG, PAT, S worth 35 points--home team CBAD-ED0D + DFAD-ED6D TD, FG, PAT, S worth 3 points--visitor CBAD-ED0D + D9AD-ED6D TD, FG, PAT, S worth 5 points--visitor CBAD-ED0D + D5AD-ED6D TD, FG, PAT, S worth 7 points--visitor CBAD-ED0D + D3AD-ED6D TD, FG, PAT, S worth 14 points--visitor CBAD-ED0D + F9AD-ED6D TD, FG, PAT, S worth 21 points--visitor CBAD-ED0D + 47AD-ED6D TD, FG, PAT, S worth 35 points--visitor 3CAC-5DDD Always 1st down D4A8-54AD 1 play to get a 1st down D7A8-54AD 2 plays to get a 1st down D0A8-54AD 3 plays to get a 1st down D1A8-54AD 5 plays to get a 1st down D6A8-54AD 7 plays to get a 1st down
Mega Man X
DBBE-446F Start with 10 lives D1BE-446F Start with 7 lives D0BE-446F Start with 5 lives DDBE-446F Start with 1 life C2B9-3404 Infinite lives D6BE-47AF Start with less energy 4DBE-47AF Start with more energy C2B9-1FF7 Infinite energy 6DB5-CD97 Most enemies are defeated with one shot 23BD-3F07 Start with all weapons and all enemies defeated--Except Sigma C9B3-4769 Infinite weapons once you have them Sometimes jumps will go back to normal D08A-1FBC Bogus jump D58A-1FBC Super jump DB8A-1FBC Mega-jump DDB0-4FA1 Disable weapon charging DDB1-4F61 Weapon charges to 1st power level faster
Mega Man X2
DBBE-446F Start with 10 lives D1BE-446F Start with 7 lives D0BE-446F Start with 5 lives DDBE-446F Start with 1 life C2B9-3404 Infinite lives D6BE-47AF Start with less energy 4DBE-47AF Start with more energy C2B9-1FF7 Infinite energy 6DB5-CD97 Most enemies are defeated with one shot 23BD-3F07 Start with all weapons and all enemies defeated--Except Sigma C9B3-4769 Infinite weapons once you have them Sometimes jumps will go back to normal D08A-1FBC Bogus jump D58A-1FBC Super jump DB8A-1FBC Mega-jump DDB0-4FA1 Disable weapon charging DDB1-4F61 Weapon charges to 1st power level faster
Mega Man X3
DBBE-446F Start with 10 lives D1BE-446F Start with 7 lives D0BE-446F Start with 5 lives DDBE-446F Start with 1 life C2B9-3404 Infinite lives D6BE-47AF Start with less energy 4DBE-47AF Start with more energy C2B9-1FF7 Infinite energy 6DB5-CD97 Most enemies are defeated with one shot 23BD-3F07 Start with all weapons and all enemies defeated--Except Sigma C9B3-4769 Infinite weapons once you have them Sometimes jumps will go back to normal D08A-1FBC Bogus jump D58A-1FBC Super jump DB8A-1FBC Mega-jump DDB0-4FA1 Disable weapon charging DDB1-4F61 Weapon charges to 1st power level faster
Mortal Kombat 2
C2C4-47AA Infinite continues DF8C-CDDA Start with 0 continues D78C-CDDA Start with 2 continues D58C-CDDA Start with 6 continues DB8C-CDDA Start with 8 continues C2B1-14F7 Player 1 is invincible DDB5-1FF7 Player 2 or computer is killed by one hit C2B5-14F7 Player 2 or computer is invincible DDB1-1FF7 Player 1 is killed by one hit 622B-C7AC Disable throws--2-player mode 6DC7-1DAA Infinite time 06E1-17D4 Mileena's Sai Throw does massive damage 06E9-1DD7 Liu Kang's High Fireball does massive damage 06E2-1767 Kung Lao's Hat Throw does massive damage 06EF-4767 Cage's Shadow Kick does massive damage 06EB-17AF Reptile's Force Ball does massive damage 06E0-4FA4 Shang Tsung's Flaming Skull attack does massive damage 06E9-17A4 Kitana's Fan Throw does massive damage 06EE-C4A4 Baraka's Blade Spark does massive damage 06E4-34DF Rayden's Lightning Bolt does massive damage For the rest of the codes, 1-player only, can't see the ending CBC6-3D6E + DDC6-3DAE Always fight Kung Lao CBC6-3D6E + DFC6-3DAE Always fight Liu Kang CBC6-3D6E + D4C6-3DAE Always fight Cage CBC6-3D6E + D7C6-3DAE Always fight Baraka CBC6-3D6E + D0C6-3DAE Always fight Kitana CBC6-3D6E + D9C6-3DAE Always fight Mileena CBC6-3D6E + D1C6-3DAE Always fight Shang Tsung CBC6-3D6E + D5C6-3DAE Always fight Rayden CBC6-3D6E + D6C6-3DAE Always fight Sub-Zero CBC6-3D6E + DBC6-3DAE Always fight Reptile CBC6-3D6E + DCC6-3DAE Always fight Scorpion CBC6-3D6E + D8C6-3DAE Always fight Jax CBC6-3D6E + DAC6-3DAE Always fight Kintaro CBC6-3D6E + D2C6-3DAE Always fight Shao Kahn CBC6-3D6E + D3C6-3DAE Always fight Smoke CBC6-3D6E + DEC6-3DAE Always fight Noob Saibot CBC6-3D6E + FDC6-3DAE Always fight Jade
Note: There are 2 versions of some of these codes. If the 1st code doesn't work, then try the other code BBCC-0F6F Visitor's baskets worth 1 34CC-0F6F Visitor's baskets worth 2 30CC-0F6F Visitor's baskets worth 3 39CC-0F6F Visitor's baskets worth 4 35CC-0F6F Visitor's baskets worth 5 36CC-0F6F Visitor's baskets worth 6 3CCC-0F6F Visitor's baskets worth 7 3ACC-0F6F Visitor's baskets worth 8 BBC6-A7AF Home's baskets worth 1 34C6-A7AF Home's baskets worth 2 30C6-A7AF Home's baskets worth 3 39C6-A7AF Home's baskets worth 4 35C6-A7AF Home's baskets worth 5 36C6-A7AF Home's baskets worth 6 3CC6-A7AF Home's baskets worth 7 3AC6-A7AF Home's baskets worth 8 D8E8-C718 / D8E7-C448 All players have super dunk ability D6E3-C748 / D6E1-CF38 All players have infinite turbo D6E2-CFC8 / D6E9-CD18 All players always "on fire" D8E6-C7C8 / D8ED-C418 All players have super interception ability D6ED-3DC8 / D6E5-C718 "Juice" mode D6EC-CF38 / D6E4-CDC8 Shot success percentages displayed for non-dunk shots D4BD-3038 + D4BA-C948 Only need 2 baskets to be "on fire" D0BD-3038 Need 4 baskets to be "on fire" D9BD-3038 Need 5 baskets to be "on fire" D1BD-3038 Need 6 baskets to be "on fire" D5BD-3038 Need 7 baskets to be "on fire" D6BD-3038 Need 8 baskets to be "on fire" DBBD-3038 Need 9 baskets to be "on fire" DCBD-3038 Need 10 baskets to be "on fire" D4BD-3038 Need 2 baskets to stay "on fire" until an opponent goes "on fire" DDE6-3B2A / DDE1-3C2A Turbo bar never goes up (until next quarter) D3E6-3B2A / D3E1-3C2A Turbo bar restores very slowly F9E6-3B2A / F9E1-3C2A Turbo bar restores much slower F2E6-3B2A / F2E1-3C2A Turbo bar restores slower 0DE6-3B2A / 0DE1-3C2A Turbo bar restores faster 9DE6-3B2A / 9DE1-3C2A Turbo bar restores much faster 6FE6-3B2A / 6FE1-3C2A Turbo bar restores extremely fast D0E5-3CFA / D0E9-38FA Turbo drains very slowly D6E5-3CFA / D6E9-38FA Turbo drains slower FDE5-3CFA / FDE9-38FA Turbo drains slightly slower 44E5-3CFA / 44E9-38FA Turbo drains slightly faster 42E5-3CFA / 42E9-38FA Turbo drains faster 76E5-3CFA / 76E9-38FA Turbo drains very fast
NHL '94
F160-4776 Period clock runs faster D060-4776 Period clock runs slower 0D60-4776 Period clock runs much faster DF60-4776 Period clock runs much slower C269-4D86 Period clock is frozen (no time limit) 7AE8-4D98 + DDE8-4DB8 Each period lasts 1 minute instead of 10 minutes 56E8-4D98 + DDE8-4DB8 Each period lasts 2 minutes 80E8-4D98 + DDE8-4DB8 Each period lasts 3 minutes EDE8-4D98 + DDE8-4DB8 Each period lasts 4 minutes 60E8-4D98 + D7E8-4DB8 Each period lasts 15 minutes D6E8-4D98 + D5E8-4DB8 Each period lasts 30 minutes 1DE8-4D98 + DBE8-4DB8 Each period lasts 40 minutes FDE8-4D98 + D3E8-4DB8 Each period lasts 60 minutes DF31-3F64 + CB31-3F04 All penalties last 1 minute D431-3F64 + CB31-3F04 All penalties last 2 minutes D731-3F64 + CB31-3F04 All penalties last 3 minutes D031-3F64 + CB31-3F04 All penalties last 4 minutes D931-3F64 + CB31-3F04 All penalties last 5 minutes D531-3F64 + CB31-3F04 All penalties last 7 minutes DB31-3F64 + CB31-3F04 All penalties last 9 minutes
108D-0FA7 Infinite fuel 4DE7-CD0F Reduce gravity CDE7-CD0F Increase gravity E2EF-6F0F Increase rocket pack thrust power 3x DD8E-AFD5 Infinite time--switch off to detach hang glider from plane
Pocky & Rocky 2
CB2D-DFDF Stop timer DDA7-AD65 Infinite lives--Pocky DD35-0761 Infinite lives--Rocky DF62-A7D4 1 life--Pocky D162-A7D4 6 lives--Pocky DB62-A7D4 9 lives--Pocky DF62-A704 1 life--Rocky D162-A704 6 lives--Rocky DB62-A704 9 lives--Rocky C933-A794 Infinite energy--Pocky C93E-A797 Infinite energy--Rocky 4032-A4F4 Weapons don't deplete when hit--Pocky 4033-AFF7 Weapons don't deplete when hit--Pocky D43F-6FF4 Blue ball acts as red ball--Pocky DF3D-6424 Red ball acts as blue ball--Pocky D43B-6F27 Blue ball acts as red ball--Rocky DF36-67B7 Red ball acts as blue ball--Rocky For the last two codes, you must have at least one life remaining for the other player to steal 18 DBAA-AD60 9 lives stolen from Rocky 19 DB3A-DD69 9 lives stolen from Pocky
DD30-64DD Allows you to select any world from the Conquer screen with the B and X buttons DC6C-6F09 Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4 F06C-6F09 Your population starts at 20 for battles 0 thru 4 F36C-6F09 Your population starts at 30 for battles 0 thru 4 DC6C-6F69 His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4 F06C-6F69 His population starts at 20 for battles 0 thru 4 F36C-6F69 His population starts at 30 for battles 0 thru 4 DD6C-6D69 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 0 thru 4 7E6C-6D09 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 0 thru 4 DC6C-67A9 Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9 F06C-67A9 Your population starts at 20 for battles 5 thru 9 F36C-67A9 Your population starts at 30 for battles 5 thru 9 DC68-6DD9 His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9 F068-6DD9 His population starts at 20 for battles 5 thru 9 F368-6DD9 His population starts at 30 for battles 5 thru 9 DD6C-67D9 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 5 thru 9 7E6C-64A9 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 5 thru 9 DC68-6409 Your population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14 F068-6409 Your population starts at 20 for battles 10 thru 14 F368-6409 Your population starts at 30 for battles 10 thru 14 DC68-6469 His population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14 F068-6469 His population starts at 20 for battles 10 thru 14 F368-6469 His population starts at 30 for battles 10 thru 14 DD68-6F69 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 10 thru 14 7E68-6F09 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 10 thru 14
Rock n' Roll Racing
D9CF-CDD5 Start with $50,000 FDCF-CDD5 Start with $100,000 9DCF-CDD5 Start with $500,000 BBCF-CDD5 Start with $990,000 D9CF-CD05 Start with $5,020,000 C28C-CF69 + C28B-C4A9 Buy items for free if you have enough money BACB-C465 No points needed to advance to any level C2BF-476F Infinite forward weapons C2BF-1FA4 Infinite power charges 3CE5-CD67 No damage from hitting other cars DD26-34D7 No damage from most mines D126-34D7 More damage from mines DD36-4F0D Red Cross packages worth nothing FD36-4F0D Red Cross packages can blow up
Secret of Mana
EE28-EDAF Start new game with 255 GP 6D28-EFDF Start new game with 32,768 GP EE28-EFDF Start new game with 65,280 GP 6F09-8707 Start new game at Level 16 EE6B-8738 Chest in elder's basement in Potos gives you 65360 GP C274-8764 + C277-8DA4 Staying at the inn in Potos is free if you have enough money CE5F-5767 Items in the shop at Potos are free if you have enough money DDEB-E544 Candy costs nothing DDE3-E044 Overalls costs nothing DDE8-E9C4 Bandanna costs nothing DDEC-E9C4 Cup of wishes costs nothing DDEC-E944 Medical herb costs nothing DDE7-7047 Wristband costs nothing DDE8-E144 Hair ribbon costs nothing DDE8-E1C4 Rabite cap costs nothing DDEC-E0C4 + DDEC-E034 Faerie walnut costs nothing DDEC-E044 Royal jam costs nothing DDEB-E5C4 Chocolate costs nothing DDAB-E715 Staying at Neko's(tm) costs nothing instead of 30 8208-776D Protection from most hits--Switch off to kill enemies For the rest of the codes you can't save the higher level attributes 9C06-81AD Strength for level 16 is 90 9C06-85DD Agility for level 16 is 90 9C06-850D Constitution for level 16 is 90 9C06-856D Intelligence for level 16 is 90 9C06-85AD Wisdom for level 16 is 90
D4BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 2 D7BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 3 D0BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 4 D9BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 5 D1BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 6 6DAE-4FA7 + FFAE-44D7 Everything is free CEEF-4DDD Don't subtract karma for spells/skills (must have enough to advance) CE6D-47A4 Don't subtract karma for shooting people--ignore message saying you lost karma 8E69-3DA4 Don't subtract spell points (works for all spell casters). Note: casting spells you aren't allowed to raises your spell points. D4BC-4404 Start with 2 strength and charisma D0BC-4404 Start with 4 strength and charisma D9BC-4404 Start with 5 strength and charisma D1BC-4404 Start with 6 strength and charisma For the next four codes, never go over 250 stamina or the game will freeze 74B8-4DA4 Start with 50 stamina 10B8-4DA4 Start with 100 stamina F0E1-1FDD Going up 1 body point adds 20 stamina instead of 10 F3E1-1FDD Going up 1 body point adds 30 stamina instead of 10 The rest of the codes are one-time-use codes that modify only a saved game. Enter a 5-part code, load your saved game, then Re-save. The code doesn't need to be used anymore. Repeat with other 5-Part codes if desired DFBC-17AF + DEB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Add 65,000 Nuyen (if less than 65,000) D4BC-17AF + DEB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Add about 131,000 nuyen (if less than 65,000) D6BC-17AF + DEB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Add about 524,000 nuyen (if less than 65,000) 10BC-17AF + DDB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set stamina to 100 A6BC-17AF + DDB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set stamina to 200 DCBC-17AF + EAB8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set magic total possible to 10 (and spell points to 100) F0BC-17AF + EAB8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set total possible magic to 20 (and spell points to 200) FBBC-17AF + EAB8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set total possible magic to 25 (and spell points to 250) D1BC-17AF + E2B8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set strength to 6 D1BC-17AF + EEB8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set charisma to 6 9DBC-17AF + FFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set karma to 10 (if karma is less than 32) CDBC-17AF + FFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set karma to 20 (if karma is less than 32) EEBC-17AF + FFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Set karma to 31 (if karma is less than 32) DFBC-17AF + F4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Add 32 karma (if karma is less than 32) D4BC-17AF + F4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Add 64 karma (if karma is less than 32) D7BC-17AF + F4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Add 96 karma (if karma is less than 32) D1BC-17AF + F4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Add 192 karma (if karma is less than 32) For the next five codes, your magic level must be at least 1 to use spells D1BC-17AF + D5B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn powerball spell, level 6 D1BC-17AF + D6B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn heal spell, level 6 D1BC-17AF + DBB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn invisibility spell, level 6 D1BC-17AF + DCB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn armor spell, level 6 D1BC-17AF + D8B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn summon spirit spell, level 6 D1BC-17AF + DAB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn freeze spell, level 6 D9BC-17AF + DFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn firearms skill, level 5 DCBC-17AF + DFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn firearms skill, level 10 DEBC-17AF + DFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn firearms skill, level 15 D1BC-17AF + D0B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn computer skill, level 6 D1BC-17AF + D9B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn leadership skill, level 6 D1BC-17AF + D7B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn armed combat skill, level 6 D1BC-17AF + D4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn unarmed combat skill, level 6 D1BC-17AF + D1B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF Learn negotiation skill, level 6
Sim City Classic
C28A-AD61 Money doesn't decrease for most types of spending DD67-DFAA Time goes faster DE67-DFAA Time goes slower 0DAB-6D02 + BAAB-6D62 Start easy game with $40,000 1DAB-6D02 + 3CAB-6D62 Start easy game with $60,000 86AB-6D02 + D8AB-6D62 Start easy game with $3,000
Soul Blazer
C26E-6DA7 + C223-0D07 Invincible D0E6-0FB4 Start with 4 hit points DEE6-0FB4 Start with 15 hit points FBE6-0FB4 Start with 25 hit points 74E6-0FB4 Start with 50 hit points 08E6-0FB4 Start with 75 hit points 10E6-0FB4 Start with 100 hit points 5EE6-0FB4 Start with 127 hit points DDE8-64BF Gems set to 999,999 every time a gem is picked up FDE8-A761 + DDE8-A7A1 10 EXP required instead of 100 for level 2 DFEA-ADA1 180 EXP required instead of 280 for level 3 D7EA-AFA1 380 EXP required instead of 580 for level 4 D1EA-A4A1 600 EXP required instead of 1,000 for level 5 F4EA-A7A1 1,200 EXP required instead of 2,000 for level 6 40E2-ADA1 2,400 EXP required instead of 3,200 for level 7 79E2-AFA1 3,500 EXP required instead of 4,500 for level 8 06E2-A4A1 4,800 EXP required instead of 5,800 for level 9 11E2-A7A1 6,600 EXP required instead of 7,600 for level 10 61E3-ADA1 8,600 EXP required instead of 9,600 for level 11 DDE3-AFA1 10,000 EXP required instead of 12,400 for level 12 7DE3-A4A1 13,000 EXP required instead of 15,000 for level 13 9DE3-A7A1 15,000 EXP required instead of 19,000 for level 14
Street Fighter Alpha 2
BD62-672A 90 seconds per battle instead of 99 6D62-672A 80 seconds per battle 5D62-672A 70 seconds per battle 1D62-672A 60 seconds per battle 9D62-672A 50 seconds per battle 0D62-672A 40 seconds per battle 7D62-672A 30 seconds per battle 4D62-672A 20 seconds per battle FD62-672A 10 seconds per battle DF80-AD64 Win 1 bout to win the match instead of 2 out of 3--must switch off effects before fighting M. Bison EDBE-0F09 Dizziness wears off very quickly C9BE-0DA9 Dizziness lasts longer--on harder levels, won't work on computer BB63-6D2A 99 seconds in 1st bonus round instead of 40 BD63-6D2A 90 seconds in 1st bonus round 6D63-6D2A 80 seconds in 1st bonus round 5D63-6D2A 70 seconds in 1st bonus round 1D63-6D2A 60 seconds in 1st bonus round 9D63-6D2A 50 seconds in 1st bonus round 7D63-6D2A 30 seconds in 1st bonus round 4D63-6D2A 20 seconds in 1st bonus round FD63-6D2A 10 seconds in 1st bonus round 4DC6-6493 Championship mode on 6DCF-D764 + FFCF-D7A4 Advance to next level when you continue (must switch off before you continue on M. Bison stage) For the next 10 codes, don't choose the character you want to always fight CBA0-AF64 + EEA0-AFA4 Always fight Ryu CBA0-AF64 + DDA0-AFA4 Always fight Honda CBA0-AF64 + DFA0-AFA4 Always fight Blanka CBA0-AF64 + D4A0-AFA4 Always fight Guile CBA0-AF64 + D7A0-AFA4 Always fight Ken CBA0-AF64 + D0A0-AFA4 Always fight Chun-Li CBA0-AF64 + D9A0-AFA4 Always fight Zangief CBA0-AF64 + D1A0-AFA4 Always fight Dhalsim CBA0-AF64 + DBA0-AFA4 Always fight Balrog CBA0-AF64 + DCA0-AFA4 Always fight Vega CBA0-AF64 + D6A0-AFA4 Always fight Sagat B9A0-AF04 Fight M. Bison DDA4-A404 + 6DA4-A764 Always fight on bonus stage 1 DDA7-AF04 + DDA7-A4A4 Always fight on bonus stage 2 For the next two codes, Zangief's Pile Driver does less damage 3CA4-DD67 + FEA4-DFD7 High throw and grab damage 3CA4-DD67 + EEA4-DFD7 Minimum throw and grab damage 503E-04DF Player dies after getting hit by 2 blows 60AC-AFD4 Both players start with 3/4 energy (1/4 damage) 96AC-AFD4 Both players start with 1/2 energy (1/2 damage) 4AAC-AFD4 Both players start with 1/4 energy (3/4 damage) C2CC-A7DF Round number does not advance (can't fight to a draw) DF81-A704 1 draw ends fight in VS. battle 893E-04DF Most punches and kicks do no damage DDAC-AFD4 Both players start with no energy (1 hit and you're dead) DDAC-AF64 Player 1 starts with no energy (1 hit and he's dead) 1C65-DF00 Players move faster D965-DF00 Some special moves are faster DD61-6DA9 Both players can do special moves in the air 73A5-DF60 Dragon punch does not go as high 2AA5-DF60 Dragon punch goes higher DD84-DD01 Some special moves are easier to perform (Edmond Honda: Sumo Head Butt; Blanka: Rolling Attack; Guile: Flash Kick; Guile: Sonic Boom; Chun Li: Whirlwind Kick) DFA0-DDA0 + ADA0-DFD0 No pause after throwing a Fireball 6D25-A467 + 6F25-A4A7 Players can hit each other no matter where they are DAB8-A761 Do special moves by just pressing buttons (may make Fireballs lower) Note: You can customize the next 20 codes to your liking by using programming method #3 in the Game Genie codebook. DDB8-ADF3 Fireballs are lower to the ground 1DB8-ADF3 Fireballs are higher off the ground DDE3-DF01 Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires always go to the right (thrown to the left, they go backwards) EEB8-A793 Light Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are slower EBB8-A793 Light Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are faster EDB8-A793 Light Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are super fast EEB8-A723 Medium Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are slower EBB8-A723 Medium Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are faster EDB8-A723 Medium Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are super fast EEBA-AD93 Hard Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are slower EBBA-AD93 Hard Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are faster EDBA-AD93 Hard Fireballs, Sonic Booms and Yoga Fires are super fast DDB1-D4F3 + EEB1-D7B3 Light Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are slower DBB1-D4F3 + EBB1-D7B3 Light Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are faster F9B1-D4F3 + EDB1-D7B3 Light Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are super fast DDB1-D4B3 + EEB5-DDF3 Medium Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are slower DCB1-D4B3 + E5B5-DDF3 Medium Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are faster F1B1-D4B3 + 33B5-DDF3 Medium Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are super fast DDB1-D7F3 + EEB5-DDB3 Hard Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are slower D8B1-D7F3 + E9B5-DDB3 Hard Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are faster F5B1-D7F3 + 32B5-DDB3 Hard Sumo Head Butts and Rolling Attacks are super fast 6DA4-6707 Most special moves disabled (computer can still do them, Zangief can still do Spinning Clothesline) CB61-07A4 Invisible Fireballs, Sonic Booms, Yoga Fires and Yoga Flames 1868-0D6C No Fireballs, Sonic Booms or Yoga Fires, makes Yoga Flame invisible
Street Fighter II Turbo
BDA3-176D Start with 90 seconds instead of 99 5DA3-176D Start with 70 seconds 9DA3-176D Start with 50 seconds 7DA3-176D Start with 30 seconds FDA3-176D Start with 10 seconds 6091-E76D Start with 3/4 energy 9691-E76D Start with 1/2 energy 4A91-E76D Start with 1/4 energy BBAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 99 seconds instead of 40 6DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 80 seconds 1DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 60 seconds 4DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 20 seconds BBAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 99 seconds 6DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 80 seconds 1DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 60 seconds 4DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 20 seconds DD05-7F04 Infinite time DDF1-7D60 Some special moves can be performed in the air--Don't do Vega's Wall Leap 891F-84AD Most attacks do no damage (throws still work) C734-7405 Throws do no damage F034-7405 1st throws do more damage (if you have enough energy), others do less damage DD3F-EFAD Players can walk through each other DD18-570D 1st hit of any kind defeats opponent DF04-5DAF Winner of 2nd round wins the battle ADFC-E40D + F9FC-E46D Allows you to select up to 10 stars instead of 4 for Turbo mode D071-E460 No charging required for special moves--Except Balrog's turn punch power DD75-8460 Hard special moves become light D475-8461 Hard special moves become medium D675-8462 Hard special moves become disabled 8ED2-87A9 Invisible players C933-7DA9 Most special moves go nowhere C9B8-77A5 Fireballs go nowhere D039-14AD Hard Hurricane Kicks go faster and farther --To the right only Ryu DF30-1DAD Ryu's hard Dragon Punch doesn't go as far D630-1DAD Ryu's hard Dragon Punch goes farther DF30-1D0D Ryu's medium Dragon Punch doesn't go as far D630-1D0D Ryu's medium Dragon Punch goes farther D637-17AD Ryu's light Dragon Punch goes farther D526-1DAF Ryu jumps backward farther E525-14AF Ryu jumps forward farther Ken D52D-CDAF Ken jumps backward farther E52E-14AF Ken jumps forward farther DF30-17AD Ken's hard Dragon Punch doesn't go as far D330-17AD Ken's hard Dragon Punch goes farther DF30-170D Ken's medium Dragon Punch doesn't go as far Except Tiger Shots for the next 12 codes D830-170D Ken's medium Dragon Punch goes farther D630-14AD Ken's light Dragon Punch goes farther 3E31-37AD Hard projectiles go faster EE31-37AD Hard projectiles go slower 3E31-370D Medium projectiles go faster EE31-370D Medium projectiles go slower 3E31-34AD Light projectiles go faster EE31-34AD Light projectiles go slower Edmond Honda DE35-1FAD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Head Butts are faster DF35-1FAD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Head Butts are slower DE35-1F0D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Head Butts are faster DF35-1F0D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Head Butts are slower DE35-1DAD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Head Butts are faster DF35-1DAD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Head Butts are slower F436-1DDD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Smashes are faster F435-176D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Smashes are faster F435-17DD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Smashes are faster Sagat Codes D63B-C70D Sagat's hard Tiger Uppercut goes farther D63B-C4AD Sagat's medium Tiger Uppercut goes farther D63B-C40D Sagat's light Tiger Uppercut goes farther D439-340D Sagat's high Tiger Shots are disabled-- you can still do the move but no projectile comes out D838-CF0D Sagat's hard Tiger Knee goes farther D83C-C70D Sagat's medium Tiger Knee goes farther D83C-CF0D Sagat's light Tiger Knee goes farther Bison DF39-C40D M. Bison's hard Psycho Crusher goes slower DC39-C40D M. Bison's hard Psycho Crusher goes faster DF39-CFAD M. Bison's medium Psycho Crusher goes slower DC39-CFAD M. Bison's medium Psycho Crusher goes faster Not in normal mode for the next six codes DF39-CF0D M. Bison's light Psycho Crusher goes slower DC39-CF0D M. Bison's light Psycho Crusher goes faster DF31-CD6D M. Bison's hard Scissor Kick goes slower DC31-CD6D M. Bison's hard Scissor Kick goes faster DF31-CDDD M. Bison's medium Scissor Kick goes slower DC31-CDDD M. Bison's medium Scissor Kick goes faster DF39-C76D M. Bison's light Scissor Kick goes slower DC39-C76D M. Bison's light Scissor Kick goes faster Balrog D869-7DD1 Balrog's first Dash Punch goes faster D432-CF0D Balrog's first Turn Punch goes slower (& a little backward) DC32-CF0D Balrog's first Turn Punch goes faster Chun Li DC38-1F6D Chun Li's hard Whirlwind Kick goes farther DF38-1FDD Chun Li's medium Whirlwind Kick doesn't go as far DC38-1FDD Chun Li's medium Whirlwind Kick goes farther DF38-1D6D Chun Li's light Whirlwind Kick doesn't go as far DC38-1D6D Chun Li's light Whirlwind Kick goes farther Blankah DF3B-14DD Blanka's hard Rolling Attack goes slower DC3B-14DD Blanka's hard Rolling Attack goes faster DF3B-1F6D Blanka's medium Rolling Attack goes slower DC3B-1F6D Blanka's medium Rolling Attack goes faster DF3B-1FDD Blanka's light Rolling Attack goes slower DC3B-1FDD Blanka's light Rolling Attack goes faster DF3C-1D0D Blanka's hard Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far DA3C-1D0D Blanka's hard Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther DF3B-17AD Blanka's medium Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far DA3B-17AD Blanka's medium Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther DF3B-170D Blanka's light Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far DA3B-170D Blanka's light Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther
Super Bomberman
Codes for Player 1 and Normal mode C2DC-8405 Endless Life C2D5-8FD1 Infinite Time D167-ED65 Starts at level 1-7. DC67-ED65 Start at level 2-3. DE67-ED65 Start at level 2-8 (Boss). F767-ED65 Starts at level 3-4. F567-ED65 Start at the 3-8 level (Boss). F867-ED65 Starts at the 4-4 level. FE67-ED65 Start at level 4-8 (Boss). 4D67-ED65 Starts at the 5-1 level.
Super Bomberman 2
Codes for Player 1 and Normal mode C2DC-8405 Endless Life C2D5-8FD1 Infinite Time D167-ED65 Starts at level 1-7. DC67-ED65 Start at level 2-3. DE67-ED65 Start at level 2-8 (Boss). F767-ED65 Starts at level 3-4. F567-ED65 Start at the 3-8 level (Boss). F867-ED65 Starts at the 4-4 level. FE67-ED65 Start at level 4-8 (Boss). 4D67-ED65 Starts at the 5-1 level.
Super Castlevania IV
DD6C-DD66 Infinite lives--switch off effects to get a password FDB2-D4AF Start with 10 lives--first game only DFB2-D4AF Start with 1 life--first game only A689-0FD7 Infinite shots for most weapons BBB3-D40F Start with 99 hearts --1st life only 9DB3-D40F Start with 50 hearts --1st life only D22F-07D7 No energy lost when hit by some enemies 6D6D-DF06 Stop timer 5E6D-DDA6 Slower timer FE6D-DDA6 Faster timer
Super Double Dragon
DF8C-070B 1 extra credit--2-player game A DB86-070B 9 lives--1-player game D186-070B 6 lives--1-player game DF86-070B 1 life--1-player game DB88-0D6B 9 lives--2-player game A D188-0D6B 6 lives--2-player game A DF88-0D6B 1 life--2-player game A 4A86-6F05 Infinite lives--player 1 DDB3-A7F1 Dragon power increases faster D7B2-A7B5 Prolonged maximum dragon power
Super Ghouls n' Ghosts
A2C1-AD01 Infinite lives DDB6-67FF Infinite continues DFC0-A401 Start with 1 continue DBC0-A401 Start with 9 continues A286-0F01 Stop timer 9386-0D01 Slower timer FE86-0D01 Faster timer DBC3-0465 Start with 9 minutes on timer
Super Mario All-Stars
"FILE A" codes affect only the game stored in FILE A. DFDF-FAAD Start FILE A game with 2 lives DBDF-FAAD Start FILE A game with 10 lives 7FDF-FAAD Start FILE A game with 50 lives 17DF-FAAD Start FILE A game with 100 lives C2C1-D4AA Infinite lives 6D84-DF03 Infinite time C26B-0FBF 1-up worth nothing D5DF-FADD Allows you to select any world for FILE A CB81-0D02 + E281-0D62 + 3C81-0DA2 Jump lower--Switch off effects if you get stuck CB81-0D02 + EC81-0D62 + 3C81-0DA2 Super jump CB81-0D02 + E681-0D62 + 3C81-0DA2 Mega-jump D62F-6DAE Invincibility does not last as long 9D2F-6DAE Invincibility lasts longer The Lost Levels DFDF-FEDD Start FILE A game with 2 lives DBDF-FEDD Start FILE A game with 10 lives 7FDF-FEDD Start FILE A game with 50 lives 17DF-FEDD Start FILE A game with 100 lives C2B6-A455 Infinite lives 6D82-0F79 Infinite time DADF-F30D + D7DF-F36D Allows you to select any world or level for FILE A Super Mario Bros. 2h DF61-05D0 1 life after continue DB61-05D0 9 lives after continue 7461-05D0 50 lives after continue 1761-05D0 99 lives after continue C26E-D5A6 Infinite lives DF6B-A9A1 Continue with 3 hearts instead of 2 D46B-A9A1 Continue with 4 hearts DD32-6966 Never lose hearts 7A60-A966 Jumping in place charges super jump D1D4-FA0D Allows you to select any world for FILE A Super Mario Bros. 3 DDAF-A8A3 Fly at any time (run meter always full) EEA4-AB63 You can fly for as long as you want, until you land E1A3-D60A Start and continue as Big Mario CB69-AC07 + DF69-AC67 Change to Big Mario whenever you go to the map CB69-AC07 + D469-AC67 Change to Fire Mario whenever you go to the map CB69-AC07 + D769-AC67 Change to Raccoon Mario whenever you go to the map CB69-AC07 + D069-AC67 Change to Frog Mario whenever you go to the map CB69-AC07 + D969-AC67 Change to Tanooki Mario whenever you go to the map CB69-AC07 + D169-AC67 Change to Sledgehammer Mario when you go to the map 1D0A1-6C0A + E1A3-D60A All power-ups turn you into Shoe Mario--May cause some graphics to mess up With the collision codes, you stil lose a life from the collision, then you're invincible except from falls D4A8-6CAA Collisions turn you into Big Mario D7A8-6CAA Collisions turn you into Fire Mario D0A8-6CAA Collisions turn you into Raccoon Mario--can make him get "tangled" in collisions--turn off effects to get loose D9A8-6CAA Collisions turn you into Frog Mario D1A8-6CAA Collisions turn you into Tanooki Mario D5A8-6CAA Collisions turn you into Sledgehammer Mario C23B-680D After getting a star, invincible until end of level--May have to turn off effects to jump up DFBB-DBAF 1 life after continue DBBB-DBAF 10 lives after continue FBBB-DBAF 26 lives after continue 74BB-DBAF 51 lives after continue 17BB-DBAF 100 lives after continue 82BB-0C6D Infinite lives D93E-6C49 Gain lots of lives with each 5 coins (up to 99 lives) For the next four codes, you must first get atleast 100 coins D93E-6819 You only need 5 coins for a free extra life DC3E-6819 You only need 10 coins for a free extra life FB3E-6819 You only need 25 coins for a free extra life 743E-6819 You only need 50 coins for a free extra life AD3E-6801 Power jump 863E-6801 Super jump 8D3E-6801 Mega-jump C63E-6801 Ultra power jump DDA9-A603 Skywalking (stay up until you release the jump button) 6D3D-6619 Infinite time D5D4-F36D Select any world for FILE A game--Doesn't work on World 8
Super Mario World
DDB4-6F07 Start with 1 life instead of 5 D6B4-6F07 Start with 9 lives D3B4-6F07 Start with 15 lives F6B4-6F07 Start with 25 lives 7FB4-6F07 Start with 50 lives 14B4-6F07 Start with 99 lives C222-D4DD Infinite lives D964-A7D7 + D967-AFA7 Extra life at 5 coins instead of 100 DC64-A7D7 + DC67-AFA7 Extra life at 10 coins 1F064-A7D7 + F067-AFA7 Extra life at 20 coins 7464-A7D7 + 7467-AFA7 Extra life at 50 coins DD32-6DAD Start and stay invincible most of the time CBED-6DDF Stay as Super Mario, Fire Mario, or Cape Mario when you get hit--extra items may still fall out of box at top of screen CB28-DF6D Stay as Super Mario, Fire Mario or Cape Mario when you fall and die D02C-AF6F Low jump D42C-AF6F Super jump DF2C-AF6F Mega-jump C264-64D7 Infinite time--Some puzzles use the timer and you might need to switch off effects to continue D2E5-A7AD Extra life with every dragon coin instead of 5 31B7-6F07 Start as Super Mario CBB7-6D67 + D4B7-6DA7 + 3CB7-6FD7+ 69B7-6F07 Start as Cape Mario CBB7-6D67 + D7B7-6DA7 + 3CB7-6FD7+ 69B7-6F07 Start as Fire Mario DFCE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 1 enemy instead of 5 D4CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 2 enemies D7CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 3 enemies D0CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 4 enemies
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
DDB4-6F07 Start with 1 life instead of 5 D6B4-6F07 Start with 9 lives D3B4-6F07 Start with 15 lives F6B4-6F07 Start with 25 lives 7FB4-6F07 Start with 50 lives 14B4-6F07 Start with 99 lives C222-D4DD Infinite lives D964-A7D7 + D967-AFA7 Extra life at 5 coins instead of 100 DC64-A7D7 + DC67-AFA7 Extra life at 10 coins 1F064-A7D7 + F067-AFA7 Extra life at 20 coins 7464-A7D7 + 7467-AFA7 Extra life at 50 coins DD32-6DAD Start and stay invincible most of the time CBED-6DDF Stay as Super Mario, Fire Mario, or Cape Mario when you get hit--extra items may still fall out of box at top of screen CB28-DF6D Stay as Super Mario, Fire Mario or Cape Mario when you fall and die D02C-AF6F Low jump D42C-AF6F Super jump DF2C-AF6F Mega-jump C264-64D7 Infinite time--Some puzzles use the timer and you might need to switch off effects to continue D2E5-A7AD Extra life with every dragon coin instead of 5 31B7-6F07 Start as Super Mario CBB7-6D67 + D4B7-6DA7 + 3CB7-6FD7+ 69B7-6F07 Start as Cape Mario CBB7-6D67 + D7B7-6DA7 + 3CB7-6FD7+ 69B7-6F07 Start as Fire Mario DFCE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 1 enemy instead of 5 D4CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 2 enemies D7CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 3 enemies D0CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 4 enemies
Super Metroid
DD38-C4A8 Skip intro and start on Planet Zebes when starting a new game DDCF-4461 + 6DCC-47A1 Select area when loading a game (press right on map screen to select) C225-3005 No energy loss from enemies C22A-456D Super jumps don't drain energy C288-C5A7 Almost infinite missiles C28A-C9D7 Almost infinite super missiles 3CA4-450D Almost infinite super bombs 62C5-14A6 Start with hyper gun in inventory Save game modification codes (the rest of the codes) only work for saved game "A." A saved game must already exist-Do no try on a new game FA68-4760 + DD6A-C7DF Master code-Must be used with the rest of the codes--Warning: If you do not use the Master Cose or enter it incorrectly, you may erase a saved game E7D7-FAAD + DFD7-FA6D Start with about 500 energy tanks 88D7-FAAD + D4D7-FA6D Start with about 700 energy tanks 35D7-FAAD + D7D7-FA6D Start with about 1000 energy tanks CED7-FAAD + D0D7-FA6D Start with about 1200 energy tanks 28D7-FAAD + D9D7-FA6D Start with about 1500 energy tanks DCD7-F26D Maximum missiles=10 FBD7-F26D Maximum missiles=25 74D7-F26D Maximum missiles=50 08D7-F26D Maximum missiles=75 10D7-F26D Maximum missiles=100 52D7-F26D Maximum missiles=125 B1D7-F26D Maximum missiles=150 CED7-F26D Maximum missiles=175 A6D7-F26D Maximum missiles=200 D9D7-F36D Maximum super missiles=5 DCD7-F36D Maximum super missiles=10 FBD7-F36D Maximum super missiles=25 74D7-F36D Maximum super missiles=50 D9D7-FE6D Maximum super bombs=5 DCD7-FE6D Maximum super bombs=10 FBD7-FE6D Maximum super bombs=25 74D7-FE6D Maximum super bombs=50 DDD0-FE6D Set hours played to 0 (for better ending) FDDF-F2AD Add charge beam DFDF-F26D Get wave beam D7DF-F26D Get ice and wave beams D5DF-F26D Get ice, wave, and spazer beam DEDF-F26D Get ice, wave, spazer, and plasma beams D0DF-FA6D Add ball D9DF-FA6D Add ball and varia suit D5DF-FA6D Add ball, varia suit, spring ball 45DF-FA6D Add ball, varia suit, spring ball, gravity suit 4EDF-FA6D Add ball, varia suit, spring ball, screw attack, gravity suit FDDF-FAAD Add bomb 6DDF-FAAD + 6DDF-FA0D Add X-ray ADDF-FAAD + ADDF-FA0D Add X-ray and grapple BDDF-FAAD + BDDF-FA0D Add X-ray and bomb 2DDF-FAAD + 2DDF-FA0D Add X-ray, grapple, bomb FFDF-FAAD Add bomb and hi-jump boots 7FDF-FAAD Add bomb, hi-jump boots and speed boots 77DF-FAAD Add bomb, all boots E7DF-FAAD + E7DF-FA0D Add all boots, bomb, grapple, X-ray EED9-93DD Crateria is already mapped out EED9-930D Brinstar is already mapped out EED9-936D Norfair is already mapped out EED9-93AD Wrecked ship is already mapped out EED9-9EDD Maridia is already mapped out EED9-9E0D Tourian is already mapped out
Super Punch-Out!!
C2A4 DFD4 Infinite energy from most punches D9AD DDA4 Both fighters gain max energy after making a hit C2AB DFDF Some special attacks don't hurt as much C9E3 64DD Infinite match time DDB7 0704 No rematches D1B7 0704 Start with 5 rematches DBB7 0704 Start with 8 rematches C2B8 64A5 Infinite rematches DFAB AFDD Most opponents stay down for the count 49BC 6F6F Both players start with half energy DFBC 6F6F Both players start with very little energy CB34 AD07 + F834 AD67 + 3C34 ADA7 Always have K.O. punch after first hit DB8A D4A1 + D48A D7D1 + 3C8A D701 Start on world circuit
Super Star Wars
DF35-CDA0 Start with 2 lives D935-CDA0 Start with 6 lives D535-CDA0 Start with 8 lives DC35-CDA0 Start with 11 lives DE35-CDA0 Start with 16 lives FB35-CDA0 Start with 26 lives 7435-CDA0 Start with 51 lives 1735-CDA0 Start with 100 lives C232-14D4 + CB6C-3767 Infinite lives DD3B-C760 Start with no continues D93B-C760 Start with 5 continues D53B-C760 Start with 7 continues DC3B-C760 Start with 10 continues DE3B-C760 Start with 15 continues FB3B-C760 Start with 25 continues 743B-C760 Start with 50 continues 173B-C760 Start with 99 continues 4A21-14D5 Infinite continues F435-CFA0 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (easy level) FD35-C400 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (brave level) D335-C4A0 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (Jedi level) 0635-CFA0 Start with twice as much health as usual (easy level) 0D35-C400 Start with twice as much health as usual (brave level) 7635-C4A0 Start with twice as much health as usual (Jedi level) 1D34-C704 Protection against most damage D43B-CF00 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (easy level) DF3B-CFA0 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (brave level) DF3B-C400 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (Jedi level) D13B-CF00 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (easy level) D03B-CFA0 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (brave level) D03B-C400 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (Jedi level) DA3B-CF00 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (easy level) D63B-CFA0 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (brave level) D63B-C400 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (Jedi level) DDB0-C767 Begin the game with the lightsaber DD88-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a blaster D488-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a seeker gun D788-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a rapid ion gun D088-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a plasma gun 553A-1764 Blaster power-ups remain after dying DDB9-CF67 All 3 characters selectable at the beginning of the game DF67-4FAF + DF60-4D6F Only 1 Jawa needed to pass landspeeder levels D967-4FAF + D960-4D6F Only 5 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels DC67-4FAF + DC60-4D6F Only 10 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels FB67-4FAF + FB60-4D6F 25 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels 7467-4FAF + 7460-4D6F 50 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels F467-4D0F Start with half fuel on landspeeder levels 0667-4D0F Start with double fuel on landspeeder levels--you can't tell how much you have, but it works 6DA5-4D04 No fuel maximum (for fuel power-ups)--you can't tell how much you have, but it works 40A1-47D4 Fuel power-ups completely refill the landspeeder
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
DF35-CDA0 Start with 2 lives D935-CDA0 Start with 6 lives D535-CDA0 Start with 8 lives DC35-CDA0 Start with 11 lives DE35-CDA0 Start with 16 lives FB35-CDA0 Start with 26 lives 7435-CDA0 Start with 51 lives 1735-CDA0 Start with 100 lives C232-14D4 + CB6C-3767 Infinite lives DD3B-C760 Start with no continues D93B-C760 Start with 5 continues D53B-C760 Start with 7 continues DC3B-C760 Start with 10 continues DE3B-C760 Start with 15 continues FB3B-C760 Start with 25 continues 743B-C760 Start with 50 continues 173B-C760 Start with 99 continues 4A21-14D5 Infinite continues F435-CFA0 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (easy level) FD35-C400 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (brave level) D335-C4A0 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (Jedi level) 0635-CFA0 Start with twice as much health as usual (easy level) 0D35-C400 Start with twice as much health as usual (brave level) 7635-C4A0 Start with twice as much health as usual (Jedi level) 1D34-C704 Protection against most damage D43B-CF00 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (easy level) DF3B-CFA0 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (brave level) DF3B-C400 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (Jedi level) D13B-CF00 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (easy level) D03B-CFA0 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (brave level) D03B-C400 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (Jedi level) DA3B-CF00 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (easy level) D63B-CFA0 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (brave level) D63B-C400 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (Jedi level) DDB0-C767 Begin the game with the lightsaber DD88-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a blaster D488-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a seeker gun D788-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a rapid ion gun D088-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a plasma gun 553A-1764 Blaster power-ups remain after dying DDB9-CF67 All 3 characters selectable at the beginning of the game DF67-4FAF + DF60-4D6F Only 1 Jawa needed to pass landspeeder levels D967-4FAF + D960-4D6F Only 5 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels DC67-4FAF + DC60-4D6F Only 10 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels FB67-4FAF + FB60-4D6F 25 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels 7467-4FAF + 7460-4D6F 50 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels F467-4D0F Start with half fuel on landspeeder levels 0667-4D0F Start with double fuel on landspeeder levels--you can't tell how much you have, but it works 6DA5-4D04 No fuel maximum (for fuel power-ups)--you can't tell how much you have, but it works 40A1-47D4 Fuel power-ups completely refill the landspeeder
Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
DF35-CDA0 Start with 2 lives D935-CDA0 Start with 6 lives D535-CDA0 Start with 8 lives DC35-CDA0 Start with 11 lives DE35-CDA0 Start with 16 lives FB35-CDA0 Start with 26 lives 7435-CDA0 Start with 51 lives 1735-CDA0 Start with 100 lives C232-14D4 + CB6C-3767 Infinite lives DD3B-C760 Start with no continues D93B-C760 Start with 5 continues D53B-C760 Start with 7 continues DC3B-C760 Start with 10 continues DE3B-C760 Start with 15 continues FB3B-C760 Start with 25 continues 743B-C760 Start with 50 continues 173B-C760 Start with 99 continues 4A21-14D5 Infinite continues F435-CFA0 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (easy level) FD35-C400 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (brave level) D335-C4A0 Start with 1/2 as much health as usual (Jedi level) 0635-CFA0 Start with twice as much health as usual (easy level) 0D35-C400 Start with twice as much health as usual (brave level) 7635-C4A0 Start with twice as much health as usual (Jedi level) 1D34-C704 Protection against most damage D43B-CF00 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (easy level) DF3B-CFA0 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (brave level) DF3B-C400 Small hearts restore half as much health as usual (Jedi level) D13B-CF00 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (easy level) D03B-CFA0 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (brave level) D03B-C400 Small hearts restore twice as much health as usual (Jedi level) DA3B-CF00 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (easy level) D63B-CFA0 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (brave level) D63B-C400 Small hearts restore 4 times as much health as usual (Jedi level) DDB0-C767 Begin the game with the lightsaber DD88-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a blaster D488-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a seeker gun D788-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a rapid ion gun D088-37A5 Han Solo & Chewbacca begin with a plasma gun 553A-1764 Blaster power-ups remain after dying DDB9-CF67 All 3 characters selectable at the beginning of the game DF67-4FAF + DF60-4D6F Only 1 Jawa needed to pass landspeeder levels D967-4FAF + D960-4D6F Only 5 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels DC67-4FAF + DC60-4D6F Only 10 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels FB67-4FAF + FB60-4D6F 25 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels 7467-4FAF + 7460-4D6F 50 Jawas needed to pass landspeeder levels F467-4D0F Start with half fuel on landspeeder levels 0667-4D0F Start with double fuel on landspeeder levels--you can't tell how much you have, but it works 6DA5-4D04 No fuel maximum (for fuel power-ups)--you can't tell how much you have, but it works 40A1-47D4 Fuel power-ups completely refill the landspeeder
Super Tennis
D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD24-07A5 Super speed--Matt D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD24-A7A5 Super speed--Amy D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD27-07A5 Super speed--Brian D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD27-A7A5 Super speed--Ki D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD20-07A5 Super speed--Phil D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD20-A7A5 Super speed--Lisa D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD29-07A5 Super speed--John D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD29-A7A5 Super speed--Erin D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD21-07A5 Super speed--Meyer D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD21-A7A5 Super speed--Donna D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD25-07A5 Super speed--Rich D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD25-A7A5 Super speed--Debbie D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD26-07A5 Super speed--Hiro D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD26-A7A5 Super speed--Colette D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD2B-07A5 Super speed--Steve D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD2B-A7A5 Super speed--Nancy D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD2C-07A5 Super speed--Rob D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD2C-A7A5 Super speed--Yuka D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD28-07A5 Super speed--Mar D060-AFAF + D761-AFAF + DD28-A7A5 Super speed--Barb
Super Turrican 2
DDC3-1D05 Start with 0 bombs DFC3-1D05 Start with 1 bomb D9C3-1D05 Start with 5 bombs DCC3-1D05 Start with 10 bombs DDC3-1FA5 Start with 1 life D0C3-1FA5 Start with 5 lives DBC3-1FA5 Start with 10 lives D3C3-1FA5 Start with 15 lives DFC3-1705 Start your first life with very little energy D7C3-1705 Start your first life with 1/4 energy D5C3-1705 Start your first life with 1/2 energy DCC3-1705 Start your first life with 3/4 energy DFC3-34A7 Start all lives after your first with very little energy D7C3-34A7 Start all lives after your first with 1/4 energy D5C3-34A7 Start all lives after your first with 1/2 energy DCC3-34A7 Start all lives after your first with 3/4 energy C2C6-1FD7 Almost infinite energy C266-44A5 Infinite smart bombs C2C5-37A7 Almost infinite lives unless you fall off screen C2CD-3FA6 Can't pick up anymore smart bombs D0A7-37D7 Weapon powerups give you full power D4A0-34A7 Start with flame thrower 82C1-4FAF Infinite energy wheel energy D7BC-3F6F Start with very little energy wheel energy D8BC-3F6F Start with 1/4 energy wheel energy F9BC-3F6F Start with 1/2 energy wheel energy 44BC-3F6F Start with 3/4 energy wheel energy C2C5-CF66 Hearts are worth nothing C28C-C400 Infinite time
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
892F-0DD7 Protection against most enemy attacks DDAC-6F67 Infinite lives When using the start with lives codes, don't change the lives setting on the options screen DD28-67D9 Start with 1 life instead of 3 D028-67D9 Start with 5 lives DB28-67D9 Start with 10 lives 4028-67D9 Start with 25 lives 0B28-67D9 Start with 50 lives 5028-67D9 Start with 75 lives BB28-67D9 Start with 100 lives 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + DFB8-A4BF Start on level 2 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F Start on level 3 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D7B8-A4BF Start on level 4 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D0B8-A4BF Start on level 5 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D9B8-A4BF Start on level 6 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D1B8-A4BF Start on level 7 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D5B8-A4BF Start on level 8 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + D6B8-A4BF Start on level 9 69B8-A42F + 6FB8-A7FF + DDB8-A79F + DBB8-A4BF Start on level 10
Tetris & Dr. Mario
Tetris 6DB4-1F65 Level never increases DFB4-1405 After the first level your level increases every line CBB7-C460 + D4B7-C4A0 + DDB7-C7D0 The same peice always drops CBB2-3DA9 + DCB2-3FD9 + 3CB2-3F09 Always at high speed Dr. Mario CBC9-4466 + DCC9-44A6 + 3CC9-47D6 The same peice always drops-until you hit the change button CB67-37DC + DC67-370C + 3C67-376C The same peice always drops
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose!
DF6F-14DF Start with 1 life D96F-14DF Start with 5 lives FD6F-14DF Start with 10 lives 496F-14DF Start with 25 lives 9D6F-14DF Start with 50 lives BB6F-14DF Start with 99 lives DFC0-CFAF Continue with 1 life D9C0-CFAF Continue with 5 lives FDC0-CFAF Continue with 10 lives 49C0-CFAF Continue with 25 lives 9DC0-CFAF Continue with 50 lives BBC0-CFAF Continue with 99 lives DD34-37D7 Infinite lives--except football level DDC0-3F07 Infinite lives--football level DD6D-47D0 Start with no continues on normal level--handicap D56D-47D0 Start with 7 continues on normal level DB6D-47D0 Start with 9 continues on normal level DD6D-4700 Start with no continues on challenge level D96D-4700 Start with 5 continues on challenge level D56D-4700 Start with 7 continues on challenge level DB6D-4700 Start with 9 continues on challenge level DFCD-4FAF Start with 1 heart on Children or Normal difficulty levels--Don't pick challenge level D0CD-4FAF Start with 4 hearts on Children or Normal difficulty levels, 2 on Challenge D9CD-4FAF Start with 5 hearts on Children or Normal difficulty levels, 3 on Challenge 3CE9-448A Infinite health (when hit, a fake empty heart appears) D184-C4A1 5 heart maximum on challenge level C927-47AD Dash meter doesn't go down D46B-CFAF 1-up gives 2 free guys--not on mystery weight challenge level, or if you get 1-up by collecting stars D43E-C48E Small star worth 2 stars D93E-C48E Small star worth 5 stars FD3E-C48E Small star worth 10 stars DF64-14AA Gold Gogo Dodo Trophy(tm) lasts 1/2 as long D064-14AA Gold Gogo Dodo Trophy lasts 2x as long C9CE-1F0F Choose bonus level after completing a level 7036-C001 Passwords work on any difficulty level (not just Children level)
Top Gear 2
DD2A-4D6D Start with no nitros instead of 6 D42A-4D6D Start with 2 nitros D02A-4D6D Start with 4 nitros D62A-4D6D Start with 8 nitros DC2A-4D6D Start with 10 nitros C267-CD07 Infinite nitros for Player 1 C2CB-CF0F Infinite nitros for Player 2 C9BD-1F04 Fuel never runs out After winning a race, money and point displays will show the old value, but money and point totals will be updated properly 7430-398E 1st place gives $50,000 instead of $10,000 7430-317E 2nd place gives $50,000 instead of $6,000 7430-318E 3rd place gives $50,000 instead of $4,000 7430-357E 4th place gives $50,000 instead of $3,000 7430-358E 5th place gives $50,000 instead of $2,000 7439-307E 6th place gives $50,000 instead of $1,000 7439-308E 7th place gives $50,000 instead of $0 7439-397E 8th place gives $50,000 instead of $0 7439-398E 9th place gives $50,000 instead of $0 7439-317E 10th place gives $50,000 instead of $0 F039-355A 1st place is worth 20 points instead of 10 F039-35EA 2nd place is worth 20 points instead of 6 F031-305A 3rd place is worth 20 points instead of 4 F031-30EA 4th place is worth 20 points instead of 3 F031-395A 5th place is worth 20 points instead of 2 F031-39EA 6th place is worth 20 points instead of 1 F031-315A 7th place is worth 20 points instead of 0 F031-31EA 8th place is worth 20 points instead of 0 F031-355A 9th place is worth 20 points instead of 0 F031-35EA 10th place is worth 20 points instead of 0 0BC4-49EE + 52C3-3083 Everything is free (must have enough to buy) DFC5-405E 2nd engine costs $1K instead of $30K DEC5-405E 2nd engine costs $15K instead of $30K DFC5-40EE 3rd engine costs $1K instead of $50K FBC5-40EE 3rd engine costs $25K instead of $50K DFC5-495E 4th engine costs $1K instead of $80K 46C5-495E 4th engine costs $40K instead of $80K DDC5-415E 2nd wet tires are free DDC5-41EE 3rd wet tires are free DDC5-455E 4th wet tires are free DDC6-405E 2nd dry tires are free DDC6-40EE 3rd dry tires are free DDC6-495E 4th dry tires are free DFC6-415E 2nd gear box costs $1K instead of $10K D9C6-415E 2nd gear box costs $5K instead of $10K DFC6-41EE 3rd gear box costs $1K instead of $30K DEC6-41EE 3rd gear box costs $15K instead of $30K DFC6-455E 4th gear box costs $1K instead of $50K FBC6-455E 4th gear box costs $25K instead of $50K DFCB-405E 2nd nitro costs $1K instead of $5K D4CB-405E 2nd nitro costs $2K instead of $5K DFCB-40EE 3rd nitro costs $1K instead of $15K D5CB-40EE 3rd nitro costs $7K instead of $15K DFCB-495E 4th nitro costs $1K instead of $30K DECB-495E 4th nitro costs $15K instead of $30K DFCC-405E 2nd side armor costs $1K instead of $5K D4CC-405E 2nd side armor costs $2K instead of $5K DFCC-40EE 3rd side armor costs $1K instead of $10K D9CC-40EE 3rd side armor costs $5K instead of $10K DFCC-495E 4th side armor costs $1K instead of $20K DCCC-495E 4th side armor costs $10K instead of $20K DFCC-415E 2nd rear armor costs $1K instead of $5K D4CC-415E 2nd rear armor costs $2K instead of $5K DFCC-41EE 3rd rear armor costs $1K instead of $10K D9CC-41EE 3rd rear armor costs $5K instead of $10K DFCC-455E 4th rear armor costs $1K instead of $20K DCCC-455E 4th rear armor costs $10K instead of $20K DFC8-405E 2nd front armor costs $1K instead of $5K D4C8-405E 2nd front armor costs $2K instead of $5K DFC8-40EE 3rd front armor costs $1K instead of $10K D9C8-40EE 3rd front armor costs $5K instead of $10K DFC8-495E 4th front armor costs $1K instead of $20K DCC8-495E 4th front armor costs $10K instead of $20K
The Adventures of Batman & Robin
DB86-4FC9 Start with 9 lives (not for Easy mode) D186-4FC9 Start with 6 lives (not in Easy mode) DD86-4FC9 Start with 1 life (not in Easy Mode) D186-4D19 Start with 6 Credits DB86-4D19 Start with 9 credits DD86-4D19 No credit C988-340D Infinite Health DD8A-4D6D No damage from enemies FBB3-376F Start with 25 Stars and Spray Gan 77B3-376F Start with 50 Star and Spray Gan FBBE-3F0F Start with 25 Stars and Smoke Bombs 77BE-3F0F Start with 50 Sprays and Smoke Bombs C9A1-34AF Eternal Star C9A5-34DF Eternal Spray Gun C9AB-3D6F Infinite Plastid C9A6-3F0F Infinite Smoke Bombs 466B-4494 Gain Full Energy for Hearts 4DAF-14DF Moon Bounce E6C7-34DF Super Jump DD8D-C765+EE8F-CDD5 Slow Move D08D-C765+E88F-CDD5 Move Fast D58D-C765+E68F-CDD5 Move very fast E38D-C765+DF8F-CDD5 Moonwalk E88D-C765+D08F-CD5 Fast moonwalk E68D-C765+E58F-CDD5 Super Fast Moonwalk
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
AEEC-A586 Some shops don't take your money AE67-0D30 Infinite bombs AE6E-DF2A Almost infinite energy AE8A-D4FA + AE8D-0D9A Almost infinite magic
The Lion King
C291-5763 Roaring doesn't decrease your roar meter C289-5D6F Roar meter doesn't fill up with time C293-E703 Don't lose roar power when you get hit C298-7DDE Almost infinite energy CE6E-8464 Infinite lives
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
DD69-07A0 Start with 1 life instead of 3 D169-07A0 Start with 7 lives DB69-07A0 Start with 10 lives C22B-ADA5 Infinite lives C2E7-D462 Protection from most hits (lose no hearts)--switch off if you get stuck C23E-6405 Infinite magic--wizard's costume only DFE7-0708 Each gold coin worth 10 (if you pick up too much, you may go back to 0) C23D-6FA0 Longer invincibility after getting hit (Mickey blinks) CB3D-6D60 No invincibility after getting hit 1B2D-6765 + 4A2D-67A5 Super jump 1B2D-6765 + 4D2D-67A5 Mega jump 1B2D-6765 + F02D-67A5 Leap tall buildings in a single bound 6DE6-04A8 + 48E6-07D8 Items in general store are free if you can afford them DFAE-D4D7 Start with 1 heart instead of 3 D9AE-D4D7 Start with 5 hearts D5AE-D4D7 Start with 7 hearts DCAE-D4D7 Start with 10 hearts 622F-DDD6 + C22F-DF06 Small heart fills health meter completely
UN Squadron
A923-DDDF + A923-DD6F Infinite lives AD2C-0D0F Infinite continues DF89-040D Start with 1 life and 1 continue D989-040D Start with 5 lives and 5 continues DB89-040D Start with 9 lives and 9 continues 2238-A72F Infinite shots for all weapons A98E-07D4 Infinite money DD80-0DAD Start with no money BD80-0DAD Start with $9,000
Yoshi's Cookie
6D8F-DF3B In Action mode, passing a stage advances to the next round D48D-AD36 Immediately complete current Action level whenever effects switch is turned on (keep switch off to play) 14C6-0436 All 99 Action rounds available without the secret code DF86-A71C In VS mode, only 1 win is required instead of 3--player 2 always wins the set (2-player only) C2A0-DF48 In VS mode, the fuses don't count down D685-A766 + DD86-AF66 In VS mode, play against tougher opponents without the secret code DD3C-6738 In Puzzle mode, passing a stage advances to the next round C2EA-671B Unlimited moves in puzzle mode (turn effects switch off to use up moves if the level becomes impossible)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
DB66-4DD4 Start with 10 lives D166-4DD4 Start with 7 lives DD66-4DD4 Start with 1 life 82AA-CF07 Infinite lives DD30-1FA7 Infinite weapons DB6B-4F04 Start with 9 first aid kits instead of 1 DD6B-4DA4 Start with 50 shots in squirtgun DD6B-4D64 Start with 100 shots in squirtgun D96B-4DA4 Start with 550 shots in squirtgun DB6B-4DA4 Start with 950 shots in squirtgun For the next 12 codes, press B or Y to get the selected item. Start with first aid kit 266B-4704 Start with soda pop cans Instead of squirtguns 216B-4704 Start with bazookas 2C6B-4704 Start with tomatoes A36B-4704 Start with fire extinguishers 2A6B-4704 Start with ice pops 236B-4704 Start with "peppers" 2D6B-4704 Start with martian bubble guns 246B-4704 Start with weed-eaters 206B-4704 Start with ancient artifacts 3D6B-4704 Start with plates 346B-4704 Start with silverware 306B-4704 Start with footballs For the next seven codes, press B or Y to get the seleted item D36C-4DD4 Start with speed shoes instead if a first aid kit FD6C-4DD4 Start with a monster potion F46C-4DD4 Start with a ghost potion F06C-4DD4 Start with a random potion FA6C-4DD4 Start with a pandora's box F36C-4DD4 Start with a skeleton key 4D6C-4DD4 Start with a decoy DD39-34D4 Infinite special items--except keys and random potions DD3F-1DD4 Infinite keys once you have at least one DBEC-4704 Package of 99 squirtgun shots worth 999 BBE8-44D4 Package of 20 Soda pop cans worth 99 BBE8-4464 Package of 20 tomatoes worth 99 BBE8-4FA4 Package of 5 bazookas worth 999 DBEF-1F04 Each first aid kit worth 9 on pick up DBED-1FA4 Each key worth 9 on pick up D965-4464 Start with 1/2 health D921-1DD4 Continue with 1/2 health 3C20-4D0D Infinite health For the next two codes, you don't get the bonus for rescuing all victimc. If the zombies eat 1 victim, the game is over DF63-14DF Only 1 victim to rescue per level BAA1-44A4 Can advance to next level after getting 1 victim D46E-1D0F Start on level 2 D76E-1D0F Start on level 3 D06E-1D0F Start on level 4 D96E-1D0F Start on level 5 D16E-1D0F Start on level 6 D56E-1D0F Start on level 7 D66E-1D0F Start on level 8 DB6E-1D0F Start on level 9 DC6E-1D0F Start on level 10 D86E-1D0F Start on level 11 DA6E-1D0F Start on level 12 D26E-1D0F Start on level 13 D36E-1D0F Start on level 14 DE6E-1D0F Start on level 15 FD6E-1D0F Start on level 16 FF6E-1D0F Start on level 17 F46E-1D0F Start on level 18 F76E-1D0F Start on level 19 F06E-1D0F Start on level 20 F96E-1D0F Start on level 21 F16E-1D0F Start on level 22 F56E-1D0F Start on level 23 F66E-1D0F Start on level 24 FB6E-1D0F Start on level 25 FC6E-1D0F Start on level 26 F86E-1D0F Start on level 27 FA6E-1D0F Start on level 28 F26E-1D0F Start on level 29 F36E-1D0F Start on level 30 FE6E-1D0F Start on level 31 4D6E-1D0F Start on level 32 4F6E-1D0F Start on level 33 446E-1D0F Start on level 34 476E-1D0F Start on level 35 406E-1D0F Start on level 36 496E-1D0F Start on level 37 416E-1D0F Start on level 38 456E-1D0F Start on level 39 466E-1D0F Start on level 40 4B6E-1D0F Start on level 41 4C6E-1D0F Start on level 42 486E-1D0F Start on level 43 4A6E-1D0F Start on level 44 426E-1D0F Start on level 45 436E-1D0F Start on level 46 4E6E-1D0F Start on level 47 7D6E-1D0F Start on level 48 746E-1D0F Start on bonus level Son of Dr. Tongue 776E-1D0F Start on bonus level Day of the Tentacle 706E-1D0F Start on bonus level Someplace Very Warm 796E-1D0F Start on bonus level Curse of the Pharaohs 716E-1D0F Start on bonus level Mushroom Men 756E-1D0F Start on bonus level Cheerleaders vs the Monsters 7F6E-1D0F Start on credit level Monsters Among Us
Посилення ностальгії
Використання чіт-кодів в онлайн-емуляторі Super Nintendo не тільки додає відчуття ностальгії, але й відкриває можливості для нових відкриттів. Гравці можуть повернутися до улюблених ігор свого дитинства та досліджувати різні результати, відкривати прихований вміст або експериментувати з альтернативними стилями гри. Чит-коди можуть вдихнути нове життя в знайомі назви, відновивши радість і диво ери SNES.
Повага до ігрового досвіду
Хоча чіт-коди можуть підвищити задоволення, важливо знайти баланс і поважати запланований досвід гри. Деякі гравці вважають за краще грати в ігри без чіт-кодів, насолоджуючись викликом і відчуттям успіху, яке приходить з подоланням перешкод.
Важливо визнати, що чіт-коди, незважаючи на розвагу, можуть змінити запланований баланс і хід гри, і їх використання має бути питанням особистих уподобань.
Швидко та легко! Чит-коди для емуляторів SNES
Чіт-коди SNES продовжують інтригувати та захоплювати геймерів, відкриваючи приховані секрети та змінюючи ігровий процес. З онлайн-емулятором Super Nintendo гравці мають можливість знову пережити магію ери SNES зручно на своїх пристроях. .
Щоб посилити ностальгію, поекспериментувати з різними елементами ігрового процесу чи просто розважитися, чіт-коди онлайн-емулятора Super Nintendo пропонують захоплюючу подорож у минуле, водночас охоплюючи радощі гри в сьогоденні.